12 - Getting Caught

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The pounding of doors opening echoed through the eerily silent library, a sound that sent shivers down Lashanie's spine.  Varian, who had been engrossed in deciphering an ancient scroll, looked up, his brow furrowing. Before he could react, the heavy oak doors burst open, revealing a contingent of Royal Guards, their faces grim, their tridents raised.

"Lashanie what is this?" Varian asked.

Lashanie cried out, fear a cold fist in her stomach. She lunged for Varian, shoving him back towards the towering bookshelves.  "Get what you need and go!" she yelled, desperation lacing her voice.

The lead guard, a grizzled veteran with a single, gleaming eye, barked orders. "Seize the siren! Protect the Princess!"

The guards surged forward, tridents glinting in the pale moonlight. Lashanie, adrenaline surging, reacted with a primal instinct. With a flick of her tail, she sent a nearby bookshelf toppling, the heavy tomes crashing down on the guards, momentarily blocking their path.

Varian, momentarily stunned, roared in frustration. "Lashanie, what are you doing?"

Ignoring him, Lashanie used the distraction to grab another scroll. "Get what you need and go! I'll hold them off!"

Varian hesitated, his blue eyes flashing with anger and confusion. Betrayal flickered across his face.  But seeing the unwavering determination in Lashanie's eyes, he knew he had no choice. He grabbed a handful of scrolls from the fallen shelf, shoving them into his cloak.

"This isn't over, mermaid!" he snarled at the guards, his voice a guttural tremor. Then, with a powerful thrust of his tail, he darted towards a hidden passage Lashanie had pointed out earlier.

Lashanie watched him go, a pang of guilt twisting in her gut. But she had no time for self-pity.  The guards were regrouping, their faces twisted in fury. With a fierce battle cry, Lashanie summoned a wave of bioluminescent energy, her scales glowing a brilliant blue. She launched herself at the guards, her movements a blur of desperate defense.

The ensuing fight was a whirlwind of flashing tridents and snapping claws. Lashanie fought with a ferocity born of loyalty and desperation, maneuvering around the guards, dodging their attacks, buying Varian precious seconds.  But she was outnumbered, and slowly, fatigue crept in.

A searing pain erupted in her side as a stray spear found its mark. She cried out, a primal scream of both pain and defiance. The world blurred around her, her vision swimming. But with a final burst of strength, she managed to knock aside a guard, creating a narrow opening.

Seizing her chance, she turned and fled, the weight of the spear dragging at her side. She didn't dare look back, her entire focus on reaching the hidden tunnel that led out of the city. Every muscle in her body screamed in protest, but she pressed on, fueled by a desperate hope.

Finally, she reached the tunnel entrance, a narrow opening camouflaged by kelp.  With a final surge of strength, she squeezed through, the darkness engulfing her.  She collapsed on the cool stone floor, gasping for breath, the weight of the spear pulling at her. Tears welled up in her eyes, a mixture of pain, relief, and a gnawing fear for Varian.

Had he escaped? What would become of him?  Doubt gnawed at her.  Had she just helped a dangerous enemy, or had she saved a misunderstood soul? As exhaustion claimed her, these questions swirled in her mind, unanswered and heavy.

Pain, a relentless throb in her side, pulsed with each beat of Lashanie's heart. The ocean current, once a comforting cradle, now chafed against the open wound inflicted by the guard's spear. Yet, she couldn't stop. Not until she found Varian.

Ignoring the searing agony that threatened to pull her under, Lashanie swam through the moonlit water, her eyes scanning the vast coral reefs for any sign of the maelstrom prince. She had led him on a frantic escape through the maze of hidden tunnels leading out of Aqualux, but they hadn't planned on separating.

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