13 - Healing Varian

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Lashanie couldn't wait for Varian's reluctant acceptance. His pride, wounded and raw, might never allow him to utter the words "thank you" or "help me." But survival, she knew, was a more primal instinct. With a deep breath, she channeled her bioluminescent energy, focusing it on the glowing seaweed that bound him.

The seaweed sizzled and sputtered, its luminescence dimming as Lashanie's magic severed the connection. With a final pop, the bonds fell away, leaving red welts etched on Varian's dark skin. He stumbled forward, catching himself on a jagged rock with a pained grunt.

"There," Lashanie said, her voice barely a whisper. "You're free."

Varian, his breathing still ragged, didn't look at her. Shame, anger, and a simmering vulnerability flickered across his face in quick succession. He flexed his bound limbs, testing his newfound freedom.

"Don't think this changes anything, mermaid," he finally growled, his voice hoarse. "You may have saved my life this time, but the debt remains unpaid."

Lashanie knew he wouldn't forget her perceived betrayal, the accusation hanging heavy in the water between them. But for now, escape was the only priority.

"We need to get out of here," she urged, gesturing towards the cavern entrance.

Varian, with a final glare in her direction, turned and propelled himself towards the darkness. Lashanie followed close behind, her heart heavy with a mixture of relief and dread.

They navigated the treacherous underwater channels in an uneasy silence. The initial urgency had faded, replaced by a tense awareness of their precarious situation. Lashanie knew Varian wouldn't return to Aqualux, not after the accusations he'd hurled at her.

Finally, they reached the familiar coral outcropping where they'd first met. The sight of it, a place that once held the promise of a fragile truce, now felt tainted.

Varian stopped abruptly, his form silhouetted against the faint moonlight filtering through the water. Without a word, he swam towards a cluster of large rocks, the shadows offering a semblance of solace. He curled up there, his back to her, his powerful body wracked with tremors that were more emotional than physical.

Lashanie hesitated, watching him from a distance. Part of her wanted to reach out, to offer comfort or at least an apology. But the anger smoldering in his eyes held her back. He needed time, time to process the pain, the betrayal, and the precariousness of his situation.

With a sigh, Lashanie settled on a nearby rock, the silence a heavy weight pressing down on them. The future, once filled with a glimmer of hope, now stretched before them, uncertain and fraught with tension.

Varian's fury, a storm trapped within a wounded body, unleashed itself in a torrent of curses. His voice, raw and ragged, echoed through the cavern, each word a barbed spear piercing the silence. "May the currents drag you all under, you deceitful fins!  May the kraken crush your coral palaces and leave your precious city in ruins!"

Lashanie flinched with every curse, the venom in his words carving deeper into the guilt gnawing at her. She wanted to defend herself, to explain that she had acted out of a desperate hope for understanding, but the raw pain in his form silenced her.

A crimson stain bloomed around his lower back, spreading in the water like a dying rose.  The red welts from the seaweed bonds, ignored in his initial rage, had begun to bleed freely.  He must have sustained other injuries during his capture, wounds that were now claiming their due.

Panic surged through Lashanie, momentarily eclipsing her own hurt.  "Varian," she gasped, her voice shaking.  "Your wounds... they're bleeding.  Let me help you."

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