14 - She's Gone

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Rapunzel, a beacon of sunshine in the turquoise depths, glided through the coral reefs. Her golden hair, a shimmering cascade, trailed behind her like a royal cloak. But the usual sparkle in her eyes was replaced by a gnawing worry. She had been searching for Lashanie for days, ever since the mermaid had vanished after their clandestine visit to the archives.

A glint of metal caught her eye. It was a satchel, half-buried in the sand, the familiar coral design a punch to her gut. Lashanie's satchel. Panic surged through her. Inside, nestled amongst seashells and scrolls, lay a small, coral crown – a symbol of Lashanie's heritage and lineage.

Rapunzel's heart hammered against her ribs. Lashanie wouldn't have abandoned her belongings like this. Something was terribly wrong. With a surge of determination, she tucked the satchel safely beneath her arm and propelled herself towards the imposing palace of King Triton.

The ornate gates parted for her, a courtesy extended only to the princess. But the usual warmth in the guards' greetings was replaced by a wary distance.  Ignoring the unease, Rapunzel swam with haste towards the throne room.

King Triton, his once jovial face etched with worry, looked up at her arrival. Relief flickered across his features, then morphed into a storm cloud as he took in her frantic expression.

"Rapunzel," he boomed, his voice echoing through the vast chamber. "Where is Lashanie?  Has she returned from her... escapade?"

Rapunzel swallowed, her voice barely a whisper.  "Your Majesty... I haven't seen her.  But I found this..."  She held up the satchel, the glint of the coral crown catching the king's eye.

His face contorted in fury.  "Treason!" he roared, the word echoing like a death knell. "She has aided a siren, helped him steal from the archives, and now she has vanished!  She has betrayed her city, her people, and her king!"

Rapunzel's world tilted on its axis. Betrayed? Lashanie, her best friend, a traitor?  It was impossible.  "No, Your Majesty!" she cried, her voice cracking with disbelief.  "Lashanie wouldn't... she couldn't..."

Images flooded her mind - their secret meetings, the hushed whispers, the shared frustration with the city's prejudice.  But betrayal?  Never.

"She was with a siren," the King repeated, his voice laced with disgust. "We saw them leaving the restricted section together.  She opened the way for him, and now they've both disappeared!"

Rapunzel's mind reeled.  She remembered seeing a dark figure slip out of the archives just after Lashanie, but in the dim light, she hadn't recognized him.  Now, with the king's words, a horrifying truth dawned on her.

"I... I didn't know," she stammered, tears welling up in her eyes.  "I didn't know who he was.  Lashanie never... she wouldn't..."

The king's expression softened a fraction, a flicker of sympathy replacing the anger.  "Rapunzel," he said, his voice gruff but gentler.  "You were manipulated.  These sirens are masters of deception.  But your friend... her actions have consequences."

Rapunzel slumped against a pillar, the weight of the revelation crushing her.  She had trusted Lashanie, confided in her, and now her friend was branded a traitor.  But a tiny ember of hope flickered within her.

"I don't know what she did, Your Majesty," Rapunzel pleaded, her voice trembling.  "But I know Lashanie.  She wouldn't betray our city on purpose.  There has to be an explanation."

King Triton sighed, a weary sound.  "Perhaps.  But for now, the city is in turmoil.  We will search for them both, but Lashanie will face the consequences of her actions when she is found."

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