Ashenvale 4 - Ambush

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Duriel observed the Orcs carefully from the treeline. They had all the signs of a force that was overconfident. They did not secure their surroundings, even though the forest was in her favor. Their force seemed small, as well. She assumed that they were confident that a counter attack could easily be repelled with what few troops they had stationed at the Refuge. She waited the entire morning for an opportunity as Orcs moved back and forth. She had to watch as their own were taken right in front of them. Duriel could see that it was beginning to affect her girls. It was painful, but the right time needed to be reached for an attack, otherwise she knew they would be joining them. Finally it looked like the Orcs thinned, with some of them leaving and others retiring after using her Kin. She sounded the Horn.

Sentinels rushed from the treeline and attacked the unaware Orcs. At first things seemed to be going better than she could have hoped. Duriel cut down a few Grunts on her own, but then another sound rang out behind them. It happened far faster than they could have anticipated, but the Orcs had begun a counterattack. It was a force she had not even considered. The Orcs had taken advantage of the forest they thought was in their favor.

"Damn!" Duriel cursed. Immediately Orcs engaged with Elves and it was a brutal, one-sided affair. The Sentinels were already fighting Orcs in front to resist the ones coming from behind.

"They must have been waiting." She thought out loud. The Kaldorei Commander lifted her blade once more and turned to see even more Orcs coming out from the treeline behind them. Images flashed through her mind of a heroic last stand. They could probably take quite a few down with them. She would cut down more Orcs as well, even if she would have to fall in the end. That was simply the price of carrying out an attack and failing. As she prepared to bring her sword forward Duriel felt the pressure of a large hand around her wrist.

The elf gasped. Before she could turn around or switch hands she felt the same pressure at her other wrist. Her arms were bent back painfully. Elves were by default quite a bit weaker than Orcs, and smaller. Even if the amazon-like Elves could potentially match the Orcs in some areas, the leverage of a larger, heavier man was simply impossible to overcome from a disadvantaged position.

"No!" She growled, baring her canines as more of her Kin were caught around her. She felt humiliated helpless as her wrists were brought together, able to be held and bound by a single hand. The Orc, whoever he was, could control her movement and still had a free hand to do whatever he wished to her. The thoughts running through her head of a triumphant last stand faded as the Orc that caught her laughed loudly and taunted her in his barbaric language.

"Monster." She groaned.

"I'm going to-"

She gulped. He bent her forward. "H-huh?" Easily, with one hand he toppled her to her knees. Even with her strong legs she could not beat an Orc's strength and weight being used against her directly.

"Wait, no... No no... This is-" She grimaced as she was pushed to her knees and compressed down even further. Her cheek pressed into the mud. Her beautiful hair splayed our across the ground.

"What are you d-" She struggled in vain. There was even less of a chance of her being able to fight back from this position.


Duriel was already vulnerable. The same armor that allowed them silent movement through forests was so simple for the Orc to remove. He flipped up her cloth onto her back and then curled a finger under her panties, touching her sex in the process. He pulled them apart to reveal her intimate areas. She struggled beneath him.

"Get off, you scum!" Duriel was able to turn her head enough to regard her captor with a look of hate. She was surprised to see the beady black eyes over Overlord Krom'gar himself staring down at her. The man licked his lips. The woman fantasized about getting one over on him. He would slip up and loosen the grip on one of her hands. She could reach for a dagger at her hip that he foolishly left her with. Her mind swam with that possibility and made her euphoric. The defeat could be worthwhile if she could just take him with her.

Orcs vs Elves - AshenvaleWhere stories live. Discover now