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Shandris observed Astranaar from a ridge above. A pile of furbolg bodies were piled behind her. Her aide had just finished taking care of them to avoid any alerts or distractions. The aide approached, noting that Shandris had a perturbed expression. She looked down and did not have the vision to see exactly what the General was seeing. What she could see, on a surface level were dots moving around the sky over the town. Wyverns. The place was far better defended than they assumed. The Horde had completely moved in. She wondered if this would affect their plans.

"My Lady?"

Shandris narrowed her eyes and covered her mouth. "There's quite a few more collaborators than we thought. Orcs are moving around freely. Anyone that's a prisoner is being..." She trailed off and stood up from the position she was knelt in.

With her superior vision Shandris had seen the things that the Orcs wanted to be seen by a keen eye. She could tell it was a display because it was portrayed brazenly. All of the Sentinels that were strong, all of those that were captured when the rear was taken. They were kept in uniform and force to kneel. She could see what was happening, but she could not hear what was being said, and that was an important piece that was missing for Shandris to understand.


"Alright! First contest. Orcish. Who can understand what I'm saying. Nod." The Orc paced and inspected the bunch. All of the Sentinels, including Sentinel Thenysil, the true woman in charge of the defense of Astranaar, were bound and made to kneel. She was able to understand Orcish to an extent, so she knew that they were performing some crude examination. If it were not for the fact that they had already demonstrated what they do to those who resist, she would not have responded. Instead, Thenysil gave a nod, along with a handful of others out of the dozens that were captured.

"Looks good. About five? Take the others to get broken down normally." The man ordered. Thenysil's eyes widened as she saw each woman that did not nod getting dragged off. The inside of the lodge had become a dungeon. Elves were denied pride, stripped and shamed until they were broken. Those who underwent that process of getting fucked aggressively over and over again were to be given out as gifts to High-Ranking Orcs, as there was little use for someone that could not understand verbal orders. A slave on the other hand only needed to understand body language and their singular duty to their masters.

"Now speak." The Orc continued.

"Anyone I can't understand gets taken away. You better believe I'm not joking. If anyone speaks anything other than Orcish at any point you're getting taken away. Got it? Say you understand!"

"I understand." Thenysil said in Orcish. A few others repeated the same words easily. For an officer, to know and read and speak the language of the enemy was quite useful. It allowed them to gather information quickly and independently.

"Heh. Now Orc says close your eyes and nod."

Thenysil cursed as she closed her eyes and nodded. Among the five left, two had been just following along by observing. The moment they looked around instead of closing their eyes they were taken away as well, leaving three. She heard it and lamented that so many of them were taken so quickly. But, she was confused, because they had already lost. The Orcs could do what they wanted, so she had to wonder at the purpose.

"The three of you left speak Orcish, understand Orcish and... Well, let's see if you can read!" He announced.

"Come on out." He ordered. Thenysil watched as four Kaldorei walked out to stand at attention beside the Orc. They looked down on her as she stared up at them in shock. Their clothing was not out of place for a Kaldorei. Scant leather armor that covered the chest and a loin cloth with high boots. Those being the only coverings were a little odd, but not out of the question. The only thing was, they were red and black. Horde colors. Then Thenysil's eyes widened as she saw their bellies just above their pubic area. A big red Horde symbol was tattooed there. They turned. On their lower backs was writing in Orcish.

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