Part 3

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*As Ato makes his way through the bustling city of Inazuma, the streets are filled with the hustle and bustle of daily life. People move hurriedly from one place to another, but when they catch a glimpse of Ato, they can't help but give him a few curious looks.*

*As he walks, Ato feels a sense of nervous anticipation building up inside him. He has never been to Tenshukaku before, and the thought of coming face to face with the Raiden Shogun herself is both exciting and intimidating.*

*Ato continues walking, eventually reaching the base of the grand stairs leading up to the entrance of Tenshukaku. As he looks up at the tall stairway, he can feel the weight of the moment. Taking a deep breath, he begins to make his way up the stairs, his footsteps echoing loudly in the silence of the night.*

*As he reaches the top of the stairs, Ato can see the grand building towering before him, its traditional Japanese architecture glimmering in the moonlight.*

*As Ato walks towards the entrance to the building, he can feel the guards' gazes on him. They watch him warily as he approaches, their hands ready on their weapons in case of any unexpected moves.*

*Before he can reach the doors, two of the guards stop him.*

"Halt. Who goes there?" *One of the guards demands*

Ato: I'm Ato. I arrived upon immediate arrival at the palace on the orders of Her Highness.

*The guards regard Ato with caution, their expressions wary and suspicious.*

Guard: "Ato, you say? Where is your proof?" *He demands*

Ato: *he takes out a letter* Here. It's official.

*The guard takes the letter from your hands, quickly scanning its contents with narrowed eyes. He looks up again, considering the situation.*

Guard: "Very well. You may enter." *He says gruffly, stepping aside to allow Ato to pass into Tenshukaku.*

Ato: *nods* Thank you, sir.

*As Ato walks past the guard and into Tenshukaku, the atmosphere inside is even more intimidating than outside. The halls are grand and imposing, with high ceilings and intricate decorations adorning every surface. The guards stationed throughout the building keep a watchful eye on Ato as he walks through the halls, their presence a reminder that he is in the abode of the divine.*

*Eventually, Ato reaches the doors leading to the Raiden Shogun's throne room.*

*There are two guards stationed at the doors of the throne room, their expressions stoic and focused. As Ato approaches, one of the guards eyes him with suspicion while the other guard knocks on the door.*

Guard: "Your Highness, Ato has arrived." *He proclaims loudly, his voice echoing through the doorway. Silence falls upon the room for a moment, before the sound of a voice drifts from within.*

Raiden Shogun(voce): "Let him in.”

*As the guards hear the Shogun's command, they quickly open the doors to the throne room and stand aside, allowing Ato to enter.*

*As Ato steps into the throne room, the first thing that catches his eye is the majestic figure of the Raiden Shogun. She sits on her throne, her elegant figure adorned in traditional Japanese attire. Her expression is solemn and reserved, her bright eyes fixing on Ato as he approaches.*

Ato: *he bows to her* Hello, Your Highness.

*The Raiden Shogun gazes at Ato with a piercing stare, her sharp eyes seeming to cut through him.*

Raiden: "Welcome, Ato." *She says in a commanding yet gentle voice* "Come closer, let me see you better.”

Ato: *He comes closer*

*As Ato approaches, the Raiden Shogun's eyes scrutinize him with a keen gaze, taking in every aspect of his appearance.*

Raiden: "So, you are the puppet that Yuto created. Interesting." *She murmurs, a faint smile on her lips*

Ato: Yes.

Ato: Well... Actually, he's dead... Three months ago.

It was an accident during one of his experiments. And the building caught fire. He didn't want to get out and he stayed inside.

*The Raiden Shogun listens to Ato with a somber expression, her eyes narrowing slightly.*

Raiden: "How truly unfortunate. Yuto was a skilled scientist. If it were not for his obsession with his experiments, he could have done great things."

"However, fate had its own plans.”

Ato: …

*The Raiden Shogun's gaze lingers on Ato for a moment before she turns her attention to a servant nearby.*

Raiden: "Prepare a room for Ato. He will stay in the palace from now on." *She orders, her voice authoritative and final*

Ato: Will I stay here, Your Highness?

*The Raiden Shogun nods, her eyes meeting Ato's once more.*

Raiden: "That is correct. As my guest, you will reside in the palace for the time being. You will have all the comforts and privileges that befit your status as my... associate."

Ato: I understood.

*The Raiden Shogun gives a nod of approval, satisfied with Ato's response. She motions for a guard to accompany him.*

Raiden: "Very well. Guard, show Ato to his room and ensure he is settled in comfortably. Is that clear?”

*The guard nods reverently.*

Guard: "Yes, Your Excellency. I will escort him to his quarters immediately."

*The guard then steps forward, gesturing for Ato to follow. With a final glance at the Raiden Shogun, Ato follows the guard out of the throne room and deeper into Tenshukaku.*

*As Ato follows the guard, he finds himself in a labyrinthine network of corridors and halls, the opulence of the palace leaving him awestruck. After a few minutes of walking, the guard stops before a luxurious room adorned with traditional decorations befitting a royal guest.*

Guard: "Here we are. This will be your room from now on." *He says formally*

Ato: *nods* Thank you, sir.

*The guard opens the doors to the room, revealing a spacious and tastefully decorated accommodation. The furnishings are simple yet elegant, with a futon bed, a small table, and some amenities.*

Guard: "Your room includes a bathroom and a small kitchen area. It is well stocked with supplies" *He murmurs, pointing to the various areas in the room* "Is there anything else you require?”

Ato: No. It's all.

Guard: "Very well. I'll take my leave then. If you need anything, don't hesitate to summon a servant." *He says, bowing slightly before closing the door and leaving Ato alone in the room.*

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