Part 8

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As the days go by in the training grounds, Ato continues to progress, under Captain Kujou Sara's guidance. He develops his combat skills further, his sword fighting technique becoming more precise and refined. The soldiers watch Ato's progress with a mix of awe, envy, and admiration.

As Ato's abilities become more evident, some of the soldiers begin to take his growth personally. One particular soldier, who had initially underestimated Ato, becomes fiercely determined to surpass him. He challenges Ato to a sparring match, his eyes filled with determination.

Soldier: I want to fight you, Ato. Let's see if your skills are as good as everyone says.

The soldier steps forward, his sword held aloft, facing Ato with an intense focus in his eyes. They both assume their fighting stances, circling each other, each one looking for an opening. The other soldiers gathered around, observing the sparring match with interest, anticipation hanging in the air.

The soldier suddenly lunges forward, his sword slashing through the air in a series of quick attacks. Ato swiftly blocks each blow, countering with an elegant series of swordstrikes of his own. The exchange of attacks continues, the clash of swords filling the training ground. Ato's skills are evident, his swordplay blending the techniques learned during his training seamlessly.

The sparring match goes on, both Ato and the soldier showcasing their abilities in a fierce but respectful competition. The other soldiers watch with bated breath, their gazes moving back and forth between the combatants. Captain Kujou Sara, observing the sparring match from a distance, is quietly impressed by Ato's skills and composure.

The sparring match nears its conclusion, both Ato and the soldier panting and sweating from the intensity of the fight. With a final clash of swords, Ato lands a decisive blow, knocking the sword from the soldier's hand. The soldier, realizing the match is over, lowers his head in defeat, clearly frustrated but acknowledging Ato's victory.

The other soldiers clap and cheer, their faces filled with admiration and respect for Ato's skills. Captain Kujou Sara steps forward, a proud smile on her face.

Captain Kujou Sara: Well done, Ato. Your skills have grown significantly since we first met. You should be proud of your progress. And soldier, don't dwell too much on defeat. Learn from this experience and continue to improve. There's always room for growth.

Ato sheaths his sword with a satisfied nod, his breathing returning to normal. The soldiers disperse, going back to their respective training routines, the excitement and adrenaline from the sparring match slowly fading.*

*Ato walks…*

Ato walks along the quiet corridors of the Tenryou Commission, lost in thought. The sounds of the training grounds fade into the background, replaced by the rustling of the leaves outside. As he turns a corner, he sees two Commission soldiers approaching, their expressions serious.

Soldier 1: There he is. It's Ato.

Ato stands quietly, his gaze meeting the two soldiers as they approach. The atmosphere suddenly grows tense, the soldiers' faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Soldier 2: Ato. We were told about your impressive performance in the sparring matches. You have quite the reputation now, don't you?

Ato: Yes.

The soldiers exchange a look before Soldier 1 continues, his voice firm.

Soldier 1: We received news that Scaramouche, the ex-Fatui harbringer, has been spotted in the vicinity of Inazuma. We believe he could be heading towards the palace to target the Almighty Shogun. The Tenryou Commission is on high alert. All soldiers are to report for duty and be prepared for combat. Do you understand, Ato?

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