Part 5

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Ato: *(Damn it... What a madman... Why are there psychos in my life? ... not all the time, but this is the second one... like Yuto...)*

*Ato sighed, shaking his head slightly. It seemed like trouble always managed to find him, whether he wanted it to or not. First, Yuto, his creator, and now, a mad Anemo Vision wielder who had infiltrated the Shogun's Palace.*

*He couldn't help but wonder what kind of chaos and destruction this newcomer would bring to his already chaotic life…*

*Ato walked back to his bed and sat down on the edge. He held his head in his hands, his synthetic mind whirring with thoughts and emotions.*

*As he sat there, he heard a faint voice that seemed to come from his own mind.*

Yuto: *(Who was it that you just saw?)*

Ato: *(...)*

*(Am I hallucinating?... Am I going crazy?...)*

*Ato gasped in surprise as he heard Yuto's voice. Was he hallucinating again? Was his mind playing tricks on him? He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, but the voice persisted.*

Yuto: *(Don't ignore me, Ato. Who was it?)*

*The voice spoke with a firm tone, demanding an immediate answer.*

Ato: *(Anemo Vision wielder... Scaramouche, or Wanderer... Why do I hear your voice???)*

*Ato's synthetic heart raced as he responded to Yuto's question. The voice in his mind sounded so real, so clear, it was almost as if Yuto was still with him, speaking directly to him.*

Yuto: *(Scaramouche, eh?... Hmmm... interesting..)*

*Ato could hear the curiosity and intrigue in Yuto's voice, as if he recognized the name of the intruder.*

Ato: *(Hm? Do you know him?)*

*Yuto's voice sounded a bit surprised, as if Ato had caught him off guard with his question.*

Yuto: *(Yes, I know him. He's a puppet, like you. A defective one though...)*

*Ato's eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of shock and disbelief filling his synthetic mind.*

Ato: *(Like me? How... So he was created like me?)*

*Yuto's voice carried a hint of annoyance as he recalled Scaramouche.*

Yuto: *(Yes, he was created like you. He's similar to you in some ways, but he was defective, a failed experiment. That's why he's gone mad...)*

Ato: ... *(I see, but you didn't answer my question, why do I hear you in my head?)*

*Yuto chuckled in response, his tone playful.*

Yuto: *(Ahh... the wonders of being a puppet. With the correct modifications, I've found a way to communicate with you even beyond death. My voice may linger, but I can still guide you...)*

*Ato's eyes widened in shock. The words were horrifying, the thought of Yuto's spirit lingering in him, guiding him even from beyond the grave…*

Ato: *(But you died in the building, your body burned down along with the laboratory completely... It defies explanation.)*

Yuto: *(That's true. My physical form was destroyed, but my spirit, my consciousness, still exists within you, Ato. You have my knowledge, my memories, everything that I am...)*

*Yuto's voice echoed in Ato's mind, the realization of the implication of his words slowly sinking in. He had become a vessel for Yuto's spirit, carrying his creator's presence with him forever…*

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