Aella's info

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(A/N: This character is for my Quotev friend: TREA8TINA)

Name - Aella

Nicknames -  Wildcard, Joker, Gambler

Titles -


Killer Queen

Cheshire Witch.

Personality - Chaotic, self-serving, kind, strategic. Views life as a game, and does not fear death. Few things attract her attention. Forever in the pursuit of Elation

Skin -  Pale white

Figure - Slim, Average height.

Eye colour - 

Eye colour - 

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Hair -

Family - 

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Family - 

Mother - Hecate - Goddess of magic, spells, the moon, crossroads, and ghosts

Father - Cheshire Cat

Grandmother - Nyx - Goddess of Night

Great-aunt - Gaea - Earth

Great Grandmother - Chaos - Starting point of everything

Cousins - 

Apollo - God of the Sun, Music and Archery

Artemis - Goddess of wild animals, the hunt.

Protector - Athena - Goddess of War, Wisdom and crafts

Powers and abillites -

Chaos Magic 




Blood Manipulation

Can summon ghosts.

Strategic Battle Planner



Pets -  Two wolves. Sol, the male, and Lune, the girl. Spirits tasked with her safety by her cousins.

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