Islay Halyard's info

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(A/N: This OC is from whoever it was on Tumblr and I'm using this OC for my friend Goobercilia)

Her appearance:

Her appearance:

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Age: 17

One of Ariel and Eric’s many daughters (she has six sisters, two younger and four older), Islay is possibly the most unusual of the bunch, as she has a distaste for the sea and her families natural gifts. She prefers staying landlocked, studying the ocean from the safety of her maps and star charts.

Despite avoiding the sea at all costs, she’s still very much her mother’s daughter with pale turquoise scales and fins that poke through her skin even while human. It’s not her choice, but Islay has to swim every few weeks in order to stay healthy and stretch her tail. She always remains close to shore during these outings, perched on rocks or flat out sitting at the surf’s edge in as shallow water as she can manage, waiting until she can turn back.

Islay also isn’t much of a singer. Not that she can’t, necessarily, as all mermaids have the gift of heavenly song. She just doesn’t like to, freezing up in front of crowds and getting annoyed when people compare her to her mother or sisters, who tend to sing more than they speak.

Personality wise, Islay is nothing like either of her parents. She isn’t unfriendly necessarily, but her sense of humor is dry (it’s hard to get her to laugh, or smile without smirking) and she’s very intimidating to those who don’t know her. She takes much more after her grandfather, being very regal with a strong sense of justice and a quick temper, lacking the bubbly, adventurous spirit Ariel is known for. Islay isn’t mean though; she’s fair and generous, quick witted and loyal as any friend could be, but she’s not a soft personality and is a bit of an acquired taste. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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