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- 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚; 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔

(The tablet zooms in and the title disappears)

Angelica's POV:

I woke up, blinking in the dark. Is it morning already??? I asked myself while looking around I stretched, but froze when my hand bumped into a wall frantically, I tried to grasp my surroundings. Am I in a coffin?!

I immediately started panicking, not knowing how I was going to get out of this, while my claustrophobia started kicking in. Maybe I could kick down the lid??? I kicked the door down, stumbling a little bit as I held onto the coffin I jumped down and safely hit the floor

I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me... A voice says Where am I??? Where are Aella, Beatrix, Kamali and Zion??? And where is that voice coming from??? I asked myself

Try this on for size!!!!!! Mya-ha!!!!!! A voice said and fire appeared. Is that f-fire?! I asked myself Now to grab the goods........What?!!!!! You ain't supposed to be awake!!!!!!! A tiny animal exclaimed What are you??? You look like a weasel but you're talking so you're a talking weasel. I said

How... How DARE YOU!!! I am no WEASEL!!!!! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire!!!! Tch. Whatever. You...human!!!!!! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!!!! Grim exclaimed.

What?!!! Why??? I asked him Cause if you don't...you're gonna regret it!!!! Grim said S-somebody help!!!!!!!!!!! I yelled before running away Hey, come on!!!! I'm on a tight schedule here!!!!! Grim exclaimed as he went after me I thought I lost him so I wandered around Getting roasted alive by a weasel??? What will I dream of next??? I asked myself Well keep dreamin', 'cause I ain't no weasel!!!!!!!! Grim yelled I'm out of here!!!!!!!! I yelled and I ran away

(POV change)

Darkness. Pitch Black, and opening eyes

Aella's POV: I woke up blinking in the dark What am I in??? Am I in a coffin??? I asked myself I used a magic blast to break down the door and I jump onto the floor safely and Zion seems to be out of the coffin she was in and she was on the ground, Beatrix was out of her coffin and was on the ground and Kamali is on the ground after she kicks her coffin door down

Alright. Now is everyone here??? Zion asked us Everyone is here except for Angelica. We got to find her. I said Breaking down one of the gates not a way to make a impression on your first day. Now let's find that last student. A man that looks like a crow said Last student?!!! We all exclaimed

we all walked into the library and the man that looks like a crow grabs an animal that looks like a weasel at least I think that's what it is Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you are all one of this year's new students??? My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you??? That is a clear violation of the school's rules. The crow man said It's not mine. Angelica said It's true, sir. Angelica has no pets. Zion said

As if I'd serve some lowly human!!!!! Now lemme go!!!!! The weasel exclaimed Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you??? The crow man asked the weasel then the weasel instantly shuts up Mmmrph!!!! The weasel exclaimed muffled

Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're all the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it. Does the very notion of patience elude you??? No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber. The crow man said

Student...??? Gate??? What are you talking about??? I asked him You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not??? All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up. The crow man said So those coffins are like...gateways??? Zion asked the crow man

The design is intended to symbolize a parting with your former world, and a rebirth into a new one. The crow man said I think something blew the lid off one of them... Angelica said The culprit appears to be that familiar of yours. You're the one who insisted on bringing it, so curtailing its behavior is your responsibility!!!! The crow man exclaimed Once again it's not mine, sir. Angelica said She's right, sir. Angelica has no pets. I just told you that. Zion said But now is not the time for such prattle. You've a student orientation to attend!!!! Go on, now. Make haste. The crow man said Ok then. I said First, just tell us one thing: Who are you??? Beatrix asked the crow man

Hm??? Have you not fully regained consciousness??? The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories...Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless. The crow man said then we walked into a courtyard then the crow man cleared his throat This is Night Raven College. It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage. Crowley said Academy??? I asked him

Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you. Crowley said I do kinda remember a horse with a scary face... Angelica said Me too. I said So did I. Zion said I saw the same. Kamali said Same with me. Beatrix said

That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honored tradition. Crowley said So this carriage dragged me and my friends here against my will??? Kamali asked Crowley I think that's pretty much it. Zion said Mmfff!!!!!! Mmmmmmfff!!!!! The weasel exclaimed but whatever he said was muffled Now, let us attend to your orientation. Crowley said

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