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                        -Love at first sight

We're done with orientation and dorm assignments??? All right, new students—let me be clear. At Heartslabyul House, I am the law. Break the rules, and it's off with your head!!!! A red head boy said Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me. A boy with Lion ears said after he let out a yawn New students!!!! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience. A boy with glasses said

Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went??? He disappeared midway through the ceremony... A handsome boy said Some headmage he is. A voice from a tablet said Maybe he had a tummyache??? A boy with red eyes asked Ah, speak of the devil. The red haired boy said If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for orientation. You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I'll watch your weasel. Crowley said Grim growls

Kamali's POV: I walk up the the mirror State your name. The dark mirror said Kamali daughter of Scar and Zira and the adopted daughter of Kion and Rani. I said and then there are whispers Savannahclaw!!!!!! The dark mirror yelled then Zion walked up to the mirror

Zion's POV: I walked up to the dark mirror until I realized that's my grandmother's magic mirror State your name. The mirror said I'm princess Zion daughter of Queen Mal, King Ben of Auradon, Uma, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Harry, Gil, Celia, Dizzy, CJ Hook, Red, Audrey, Jane, Doug, Lonnie, Freddie, Chloe, Dizzy, Ally and Jordan, granddaughter of Ursula, Aurora, Captain Hook, Gaston, the fairy godmother, Cruella De vil, Dr. Faciler, Maleficent, Jafar, Cinderella, Queen of hearts, Hades the god of the underworld, Queen Belle and King Adam the previous rulers of Auradon and the evil queen. Heir to the throne of Wonderland and Auradon. I said then there were a lot of whispers Is she insane??? A voice asked She must be crazy. A voice said my eyes glowed green and my hair became blue fire Who said that??? I asked everyone but everyone went quite not daring to respond That's what I thought. I said and my hair changed back to normal instead of being blue fire Pomefiore, Octavinelle, Diasomnia, Ignihyde, Scarabia, Savanaclaw and Heartslabyul. The mirror said then Aella walked up

Aella's POV: State your name. The mirror said Aella daughter of Hecate goddess of magic, spells, the moon, crossroads, and ghosts and the Cheshire Cat. I said Diasomnia and Savanaclaw. The mirror said then Beatrix walked up

Beatrix's POV: State your name. The mirror said Beatrix Mim daughter of Madame Mim. I said Diasomnia. The mirror said then Angelica walked up

Angelica's POV: State your name. The mirror said Angelica Gothel daughter of Mother gothel. I said The nature of your soul is.........unclear to me. The mirror said What did you just say??? Crowley asked the mirror I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. The mirror said Well, that was rude. Zion said Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic??? But that is absurd!!!!! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence!!!! How could this have happened??? Crowley asked then Grim struggled and finally broke out of being quiet Unlike that human, I can actually use magic!!!!!! And I'm a boy!!!!!! So let me be a student here!!!!! Grim exclaimed What's wrong with being a girl??? Aella asked Grim and Grim doesn't respond Look, I'll show you!!!!! My spells're the cat's meow!!!! Grim exclaimed Oh no. I said then Grim started a fire AHHHHH!!!!! HELP!!!!! I'm on fire over here!!!!!! A boy with red eyes yelled I've got you!!!!! Zion exclaimed then Zion puts out the fire on the boy with red eyes then the red haired boy and the boy with glasses went after Grim

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