Ch.2 Red riding hood

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While Cory continued to talk to the class, Maya was starting to get tired, and she too fell asleep, and she also started to have a dream.

(Dream) Once upon a time, there a girl (Maya) who lived with her mother in a cottage in the woods, the girl was called Red after her red cape that she wears all the time. One day, her mother wanted her to go to her grandmother's house with a basket of food for her grandmother wasn't feeling very well.

"Now be careful" her mother warned "And watch out for wolves".

"Yeah yeah" Red rolled her eyes as she put on her red cape, grabbed the basket and headed off into the woods.

As Red walked down the trail, she was getting a feeling that someone was behind her, she turned around and saw no one, so she shrugged and continued walking. But she then footsteps behind her, she turned around and still saw no one. Just then she heard something behind her, she turned around and saw a figure hide behind a tree.

"All right" she said with bravery "Come out, show me who you are".

But nothing came out.

"Come on" Red urged.

"Behind you" a voice said behind her.

Red turned around and saw a wolf (Farkle).

"Sup?" he grinned.

"Uh, are you following me?" Red asked.

"Maybe" the wolf shrugged as he put his hand on a tree and put his fist on his hips "I can't help but following beautiful ladies".

"Uh-" was all Red could say.

"So" the wolf said as he walked towards her "What do you have in your basket?"

"Just some food" Red said.

"Can I have some?"

"Sorry, they're for my grandmother".

Red then began to walk away from the wolf, not knowing that the wolf was following her. As she walked down the trail, she caught sight of some flowers, she decided to pick some flowers to give to her grandmother. She didn't see the wolf watching behind her.

"Yeah that's right" he whispered "Pick the pretty flowers, while I go say hi to your grandmother, so she can make me some cookies".

The wolf then left Red alone. After the flowers, Red continued on the trail until she made it to her grandmother's house.

"Grandmother" she knocked on the door "It's me Red".

"Come in" she heard her grandmother say, Red noticed she sounded a bit different.

She opened the door and went in, and there she saw her grandmother in bed, Red noticed she looked different.

"Oh my gosh grandmother" Red said "You're looking very strange".

"Is it because of my new haircut?" her grandmother asked.

"No" Red said as she looked at her grandmother's ear "Oh my grandmother, what big ears you have, you look like dumbo".

"Uh, the better to hear you my dear" her grandmother said.

"Well what big eyes you have, you look like an anime character".

"Uh, the better to see you my dear".

"And what big teeth you have, good lord, do you need to see the dentist?"

"The better to-".

"Wait a minute" Red frowned as she took off the hat revealing the wolf.

"You!" Red gasped.

"Uh, hi" the wolf gave a fake smile.

"Where's the grandmother?!" Red demanded.

"I don't know" the wolf said "I just came in and it was empty".

"Well get out before I call a huntsman!"

"Oh come on!" the wold got out of the bed "Please don't do that".

"Stay away from me" Red ordered "Bye the way, that gown does not look good on you".

"But it's so comfy though".

"Just get out!".

"Jeez women" the wolf said as he headed for the door, but he then noticed the basket of food on the table.

"Oh no you don't" Red took the basket away.

"Come on, please".

"No, get your own food".


"Huntsman!" Red called.

"You really care about your food don't you?"

"The huntsman will be here soon, so I suggest you leave".

"I don't think the huntsman will be here in a while".

At that point, the door swung open slamming into the wolf, the huntsman (Josh) stood in the door entrance, not knowing that he just slammed the door into the wolf.

"Somebody call for a huntsman?" he asked.

"Oo, heyyyyy" Red grinned, for she thought the huntsman was really cute "And yes, I called for a huntsman, there's a wolf in here".

"Well where is he?" the huntsman asked.

A moan was heard, the huntsman moved the door away and there was the wolf who slumped over from when the door slammed into him.

"Right there" Red pointed.

Just then, Red's grandmother appeared in the door way.

"Grandma" Red gasped "Where were you?"

"I was at the doctors" her grandmother said, she then noticed the wolf "Uh, why's that wolf wearing my nightgown?"

"It's a long story" Red said "But I brought some food for you".

"Oo, what are they?"

"Carrot soup and raisin muffins".

"What?" the wolf gasped "Carrot soup and raisin muffins?! Why didn't you tell me what kind of food they were? I hate carrots and raisins. Well this was a waste of my time".

The wolf then went out of the cottage, still wearing the nightgown. 

"Well now that he's gone" Red said as she grinned at the huntsman "You doing anything tonight?"

"Um, I don't know" the huntsman said.

"How about a date tonight?" Red asked "You, me, and my basket of food".

"Um, sure why not?"

So for the rest of the day, Red, her grandmother and the huntsman talked and ate while enjoying each other's company.

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