Ch.7 Happily Ever After

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As Cory continued to talk, everyone in the classroom had fallen asleep, Cory then turned around and saw the sleeping students.

"Oh" he said "I put everyone to sleep, well now I can finally go to that frozen yogurt and use my coupon".

He then left the room leaving the students behind. After he left, Riley and the gang started to wake up.

"Man" Maya yawned "I had this dream that I was Red riding hood and Rapunzel".

"You had a dream about being fairytale character?" Riley gasped "I had a dream I was Snow White and Cinderella".

"Well I had a dream I was Jack and the beanstalk" Lucas said "And I was Hansel and the witch tried to eat me, the witch looked a lot like Topanga".

"I had a dream I was wearing a dress" Farkle said "And I was an instrument".

"Wow" Riley said "We all had dreams about being fairytale characters".

"Hey, where's Mr. Mathews?" Lucas asked.

"He probably went to that frozen yogurt place to use his coupon" Riley said.

"Aww" Farkle pouted "I want frozen yogurt".

"Sweet, he's gone again" Maya grinned as she went to the front of the classroom.

"Oh no" Riley groaned.

"Maya's in charge now" Maya grinned as she stood on Cory's desk "Mayaville is back!"

At that point, Cory came in with a frozen yogurt in his hand and saw Maya on his desk.

"Uh" Maya said with a fake smile "Hi Mr. Cory".

"Get off" Cory said as Maya got off his desk and went back to her seat.

"So" Cory said "How did you guys sleep?"

"Uh, good" Riley said.

"You guys had any interesting dream?" Cory asked.

"I had a dream you were a giant" Lucas said.

"And let me guess, you were Jack?"

"Yes" Lucas said with his eyes wide.

"Oh wow, I just guessed. What about you Riley?"

"I had a dream I was Snow White and Cinderella" she said "It was magical".

"Maya?" Cory asked.

"I was Red riding hood and Rapunzel" Maya said "I looked good with long hair".

"What about you Farkle?"

"I needed a shave" Farkle said "But I did look good in a nightgown".

"So you guys had dreams about being fairytale characters" Cory said "Interesting".

He then looked at the clock.

"Well since we have time" he said "You guys wanna help me and Harley load some boxes into the theater compartment?"

"Sure" they said as they followed Cory to the theater room with boxes scattered around the room.

"Oh man" Maya said 'We have to load all of this?"

"Get to it" Cory said.

The gang then started to pick up the boxes. As Riley walked pass the desk, she found a red apple on the desk. She set the box down and picked up the red apple, she remembered her dream about being Snow White with the poison apple. Hopefully whoever apple this is wouldn't mind if she ate it, so she took a bite of the non-poisonous apple.

Maya noticed something red in a box, she pulled it out and found that it was a red cloak, she put it on, feeling like Red riding hood. She then found a brush in the box, reminding her of her dream when she was Rapunzel. When Lucas set down a box, he found a golden Easter egg, he remembered when he was Jack in his dream and he met the goose that laid golden eggs. Farkle found a nightgown in a box, he remembered wearing one in his dream, he also found a mini harp, remembering he was a harp in his dream.

"I need to get more sleep" he said to himself.

Riley brought a box to the stage, she set the box down and walked around the stage, she remembered being Cinderella and dancing with her prince Lucas. She then started to dance across the stage as if she was Cinderella again.

"Nice moves" a voice said.

Riley turned around and saw Lucas.

"Lucas" she said, blushing from embarrassment "I didn't see you there".

"Pretending to be Cinderella?" he asked as he walked towards her.

"Yeah" she said quietly.

"Well you can't be Cinderella yet".


"You can't be Cinderella without your prince".

"Oh" Riley blushed.

"So, Cinderella, may I have this dance?"

"What? You mean, here?"

"Why not?"

"Well there's no music".

Lucas then got out his phone and started to play 'So this is love' from Disney's Cinderella.

"Oh I love this song" Riley smiled.

Lucas then set his phone on a stool.

"So may I have this dance?" he held up his hand.

"You shall" Riley smiled as she took his hand and they started to dance to the song.

Riley pictured herself wearing a gown like Cinderella and dancing with her prince like in her dream. Riley and Lucas couldn't stop looking into each others eyes as they danced. When they finished dancing, they heard clapping. They turned around and saw Maya and Farkle clapping.

"Oh that was wonderful" Maya grinned as she and Farkle stopped clapping.

"How long have you guys been here?" Riley asked.

"Pretty much the whole time" Farkle said.

"Well Cory wanted us to tell you that there's more boxes to store" Maya added.

"Ok, we'll be there soon" Riley said.

"I'll just leave you 2 alone" Maya grinned as she and Farkle left the stage.

But then Farkle peaked behind the curtains to watch, but Maya grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"So what did you think?" Lucas asked.

"That was fun" Riley said "But we should get back to storing those boxes".

"Yeah" he agreed as they headed to the theater room "Hey Riley".


"After school, you wanna go hang out at 'Topanga's? Just the 2 of us".

"Oh, sure" she smiled.

"Cool" Lucas smiled as they went into the theater room.

As they moved the boxes, all Riley and Lucas could think of was the dance they shared. And they knew that this was a happily ever after.

                   The End

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