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Going into the tournament, Venus was absolutely terrified, which was something that she would rarely feel.

She was never really afraid of dying, but she was afraid of seeing people she loved die, and never being able to return.

So this entire tournament of power was an absolute nightmare for her.

Especially now, that Kale had become what her father called a 'Legendary Super Saiyan' and she knew that she would be getting eliminated any moment now.

"Venus!" Kale growled, "I'll kill you!"

Kale grabbed Venus by her ankle and slammed her back and forth repeatedly.

Venus charged her power up to escape her grip and kicked her face, which did absolutely nothing to her.

She was immediately regretting not following through with Gohan's strategy.

Kale charged up a ki blast in her hand and shot it at Venus.

Venus backflipped away from the blast. Kale charged at her and pushed her, making Venus crash against a mountain.

"We have to help her!" Gohan began to fly away before Piccolo stopped him.

"Hold on. She doesn't know how to control her power."

Kale's roars echoed through the entire null realm, her power skyrocketing as she released hundreds of energy blasts across the arena.

Everyone dodged her attacks, but one warrior was unsuccessful in doing so and was eliminated.

A blinding energy blast was shot her way, making Kale fall from the sky.

Venus rubbed her eyes once the light disappeared, then she soon felt a blast coming her way to her back, sending her flying to where Kale and Caulifla were.

"You!" she heard Caulifla shout, "You have some nerve showing up to attack Kale when she's vulnerable!"

"What are you talking about? I was blasted over here-" Venus's eyes noticed some warriors from the eleventh watching over them from above.

"What do you losers want?" Venus asked, "I'm guessing you're on Top's team?"

"Indeed we are! My name is Kahseral!" he struck a pose.

Venus raised an eyebrow, exchanging a look of embarrassment with Caulifla.

"I'm Tupper!" he raised his arms over his head and flexed them.

"The name's Zoire!"

"Behold Cocotte!"

"And I'm Kettle!"

They got into their final position, "And we are the Pride Troopers!"

Venus thought they must've been the Ginyu Force of the eleventh universe.

"Uhh.." Venus watched them with her brows furrowed.

"That girl down there! She's the one who ousted Vewon!" one of the warriors pointed to Kale.

"I swear it now, the Pride Troopers will make you pay dearly for taking out one of our own! Under orders from our valued comrade Top, we will eliminate you!"

Venus stepped closer to Caulifla and Kale, "Listen," she whispered, "the only way for us to stay in the tournament is if we fight them together. After that we can go our separate ways again."

Caulifla placed her hands on her hips, "Hmm," she glanced at Kale over her shoulder, "Fine. But we still need to continue our fight after this."

"Deal," Venus nodded.

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