Chapter 3, Part II: Chaos Over Cape Town and Melbourne

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7 December 2024

San Francisco was recovering from the impact, replacing all glass panes around the city and had rehabilitations in fragile buildings. Electricity was now restored and everyone was impatiently watching the news.

People around the world started to protest as Comet Casey has brought chaos to the world, with its fragment that has hit Moscow and Vatican City badly.

Scientists were puzzled as they found out that after the impact, casualties rapidly increased outside the border of Russia and Vatican City. Although they receive more reports of death, they can't find the reason behind this. The whole world lost communication with Russia and also Vatican City.

"As of today, we have investigated the deaths of these people in both countries by sending some army of UN peacekeepers and medical investigators near the borders of the state. However, we also lost contact with them after they landed there. After some discussion, the deaths are not related to the fragment itself but to what the fragment brings. We declare this unprecedented event as an OUTBREAK as we have a hypothesis that the fragments of the comet bring X disease. Now, every country in this assembly has signed a petition to ban the entry of Russia and Vatican City, which includes Italy, across land, air and ocean borders," said the UN director in the San Francisco news programme.

This is the ultimate chaos and the first sign of the end of the world... "I don't think it's an outbreak.., I mean if it was an outbreak, the army of the peacekeepers and medical investigators should have lived when they first landed there. And if it was an airborne disease, maybe they screamed to death as they suffered from it and died instantly, but why would they lose communication with the UN when they used satellite phones?"

Good point, good point mum. Joy also thought the same thing, why Russia and Italy (Vatican City included) lose contact immediately ten minutes after the accident? Why would the group that was sent by the UN to the following countries also lose communication?

That is strange... Joy went to her bedroom and sat down on her bed. She arranged all the events in this world. First, Russia, then Vatican City. Russia is in Asia (well, half of it goes to Europe) and Vatican City is in the heart of Italy, in Europe. Perhaps there could be another one...

She took out her book and jotted down everything she knew

Russia-> Mainly Asia/EuropeVatican City-> Europe^|Comet Casey Fragments

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Russia-> Mainly Asia/Europe
Vatican City-> Europe
Comet Casey Fragments

According to The Pentagon, total deaths exceeded 1.2 million people.

Then, she got a light bulb on her head. Hold on... If Vatican City is in Europe and Russia is in mainly Asia, then...

A roaring sound was heard in the distance, and lights flickered. Joy went to the living room. "Oh my, please tell me it isn't one of the pieces again," her mum said.

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