Funeral (Introduction)

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(Moms POV)

As I was about to knock on Oliver's door to tell him what had happened I ended up second guessing myself, I had started back toward the kitchen, but then I heard the door open up behind me. "Morning mom, Sorry, I ended up sleeping in again." Oliver yawned after saying hello to me and proceeded to walk out of his room but he appeared to have noticed how strained and bloodshot my eyes were or maybe how empty my face looked. "Whats wrong?" My son had asked me... And thats when I broke down into a sobbing mess I fell to my knees and after multiple attempts of speaking I finally got one word out. "O- Owen i-" was all I could let out but that was enough Oliver knew what I was saying immediately as he hugged my shoulders and all I could hear was a weak "Oh".

The day was a Friday afternoon in April, it was raining pretty heavy outside and the world seemed dead while looking out the window but I had to keep myself from falling apart for the sake of Oliver. My son is only thirteen but he has already lost his father and now he has lost his older brother, who was also his best friend and both his father and brother were at the hands of gang violence. Oliver looked up to Owen so I couldn't tell Ollie that his role model was killed because he could not pay up his debt to the mob, instead I told him that Owen just so happen to be near when a deadly shooting happened and Owen was just caught up in it. But this isn't your everyday gang though, not only was the mob a big deal but they are also the top dog in the large amount of gangs in Diamond City.  Although I have no clue how he even got tangled up with any gangs, Owen wasn't the brightest but he wasn't a bad kid either. He would rarely get into real trouble and never would I ever believe you if you said he would be gambling with mobsters and drug dealers. I still refuse to believe it but you could call that denial I'd assume.

I walked into my son's room and began to help him get his black suit put together nicely. Oliver is as bright as they come not only that but, he is handsome and good at everything he does even though he never wants to commit himself to anything other then video games and his phone. Ollie looked at himself in the mirror and just stared, not much emotion or meaning to it. As he looked into the mirror you could notice his bright beautiful blue eyes and tall, skinny, but athletic figure but something was missing from his usual amazing self, that smile. His smile was gone and I am so afraid that it wont ever come back, I began breaking down again and I couldn't stop and didn't stop until we had arrived at the cemetery.

It was a closed casket funeral, for reasons that dont need to be explained seeing as it is pretty obvious as to why. The entire time I cried my eyes out as did my family but what hurt me the most was that empty look that Ollie had, that hopeless void you could see in his eyes and facial expression. But the worst part was that he did not cry once not a single time since he had found out about his brother's passing. He did not want to say anything about Owen during the funeral either even though he was the closest person to Owen there. he just watched as his brothers casket was buried and he listened to the voices of his family spoke about how great of a person Owen was and how he didn't deserve the unfortunate and horrible things that had happened to him on that Monday night.

When we got back home Oliver went straight to his room and didn't say a word to me, I wanted to confront him and ask him to please not shut me or anyone else out but that would have been selfish of me Owen was quite realistically Oliver's only friend other then a select few online ones, so of course he was going to shut himself away from his family, I had no right to ask him not to, this is the only way he can handle grief he doesn't know any other way. What I did that night was I slid a note under the door that told him how much I care for him and that I will be there with him as long as he needs me and some other stuff. After that I went into my room and began to cry myself to sleep.

Two years later...

Today was the big day! Oliver is finally going to school, a real school not homeschooled like he has always been, but a real school with real people. I couldn't be more excited, Mainly because this was no ordinary school this was a prestigious school, a very prestigious school. Ace Academy which is a top school in the state and right in the heart of one of the biggest cities in the world. Over the summer Oliver had taken entrance exam over entrance exam to get accepted and finally we had gotten the letter about a week ago. Today was the day he started attending a real school and hopefully he will begin to make friends.

Oliver loaded his bags into the car, he needed a lot since he was going to be staying in dorms over the school week now. After getting the car ready he got into the passenger seat and we left for Ace Academy. Ollie didn't say much on the way their since he was listening to music through his headphones but after the thirty minute drive we had parked outside the dorms and as Ollie got out of the car I said goodbye. "I love you, and I'll see you this weekend Ollie." However Oliver just kind of shrugged and said "Ya love ya, see ya later" and started walking towards the dorms. Then I left for home and Oliver had begun his first day at school little did I know though that this would be the start of something that would affect the rest of our lives.

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