Into the dark... (Chapter 6)

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(Oliver's Pov)

Flores motioned me to follow him as he started walking through the lobby of the casino. "pretty cool huh?" Flores said as he kept walking through people, I noticed that a lot of the men in the casino either had guns strapped to their hip or they had expensive clothes and jewelry but were surrounded by body guards. In the main hall there was not much to look at just some seating and a fountain. "Yeah, kinda intimidating though?" I told Flores, he just shrugged, I dont think he cared much about other people. I noticed he was getting a lot of looks from people. However, It felt like Flores had this sort of evil aura about him, but I still just assumed he was a nice guy. I mean, what could he possibly do bad, he has seemed like a nice guy, and he is a great teacher. Then once we were in one of the main hallways, where there were less people Flores turned around and looked down at me. "Kid...?" He said in a much more serious tone then he usually talks to me in. "Yeah, Flores?" I said a little concerned. "There is no coming back from this." He told me. "What do you mean?" "I mean, you are going to watch some fucked up shit... You are going to meet people, and those people might die, or they might try to kill you instead, this is a shady and fucked up business, you can't tell anyone that you are involved in this life. You have to make a whole false identity, and you must never be caught." "I know, trust me I already thought about all of this." "Thats not the problem though..." "Then what is?" "You are going to have to kill someone eventually, whether its for self defense or because you were ordered to by the boss." I waited and thought for a second on how to reply. "No, I ca-" "I know." Flores then began to walk toward an office, he sounded almost disappointed and grateful at the same time. Before he opened the door he turned around and looked at me through his sunglasses. "Stay true to yourself kid, this job is going to put you through hell, the people here are sick and evil, including me." "I don't think your evil!" I blurted out without thinking. "Heh, I wish I were still young like you. If anyone ever gives you trouble kid let me know and I will kick their ass for ya." I just nodded and gave Flores a half smile, then he opened the door and we walked in.

It turns out we were walking into the receptionist office. It wasn't big just a small room with a small room behind the desk that looked to be locked up. I then noticed a short brunette girl with glasses and a messy bun sitting at the desk in the room. There was also a guy standing their who was screaming curse words and what sounded like, death threats. "Howdy Mellissa!" Flores yelled, he had that usual stupid smile on his face as he walked up to the side of the desk. "Not now Turner I'm dealing with something" She said in a tired and whiny voice. "Hey! You listen to me stupid bitch! I want my name off that damn list, you hear me!" The guy yelled pretty loudly, I tried to hide behind Flores since the guy sounded really drunk and pissed off, and it was starting to freak me out a little. I then noticed a drunk fat dude was flat out wasted on the floor, he was groaning something about "Mommy" and "Milk". then he tried to grab my leg, so I went to get even closer to Flores for protection. Thats when I noticed he was no longer in front of me. I turned around and he had put some sort of hand gun to the loud drunk dude's head and was whispering something in his ear. "Turner, I swear if you get blood stuck in the carpet again, I will put you 5 million into the negative again." Flores turned his head around and gave the receptionist a goofy sideways grin. "Oh, come on Meli, thats no fun." Flores said in a pouty and then he had put his hand gun back into what looked like a small holster on his back and under his shirt. He was still gripping the drunk dude's shirt though, but it did not matter because the guy's mood completely changed, it was like he was in total fear for his life, even after the gun was holstered. As soon as Flores let go of his shirt, the man full sprinted out the door yelling and screaming. 

"Well that's no fun, I would have waited for him outside the door but I guess he doesn't want to play." "I doubt anyone would want to play with the king of spades." The receptionist said in a mocking tone while trying to hold in a laugh. "Hey! That is just being mean, I dont think it is a dumb name, What about you Oliver?" Flores turned and threw me under the spotlight. "S-sure yeah!" "See! Meli dont lie I am the coolest there is." The receptionist just laughed "Oliver huh? So, you got another kid into the gambling game, yeah? or is he just visiting for some reason?" The receptionist sounded kind of annoyed when saying that. "Nah, This is the one." "You said that last time about Blake." The receptionist laughed as she reached under the desk to grab something. "Nah, this one beat the game..." This caught the receptionist Mellissa off guard as she looked at me for a second, then she continued looking for something. "I see." Flores motioned me over in front of the desk, so I listened and walked over and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. The receptionist lady pulled out a small tube like item with a needle on the end. "uhm, What is that?" I asked her "A tattoo gun, why? Is that not why your here?" I panicked at the thought of a tattoo. "Uh u- Uh N- No thank you, I cant get a tattoo Miss reception lady!" She just sighed. "Are ya a member of the spades or not?" "I uh- I think, but didn't the guards outside say I could get a nametag or something." "I mean you can, but wouldn't you rather show your loyalty since your apart of one of the big three families?" "Aren't there only 3 families though, and cant People not in any families come in here?" "Well, no and yeah, I guess but those apart of the big three are highly respected and its unprecedented and disrespectful. There are a lot of other families down here though, there are technically 4 large families but the clovers all kind of died off and there aren't a lot of them left these days." "Oh.. I will just get the tattoo." "ight, where do you want it?" I was still unsure of if I wanted to do this, so I figured I'd get it somewhere where it wouldn't hurt that bad and where no one would notice it. "How bad does it hurt?" I asked. Flores behind me mumbled something and proceeded to light a cigarette, I also noticed he was using the fat drunk dude from earlier, as a footrest. "My arm please receptionist lady!" I said shakily putting my left arm on the table pulling my sleeve up.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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