Chapter 13

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The next morning I had no effort to even get up and out of the bed. I was to embarrassed to show my face. I was wasted last night and that wasn't ok. I should have never went out by myself.

"Laura do you wanna get up?" Jc asks from the other side of the door.

"No not really." I mumble into my pillow.

"You have to get up at some time. Everyone has done it at some time." He says laughing.

"Just leave me alone." I sigh.

"You know that's not going to happen, right? I will knock down this door and come and cuddle if need be." Jc laughs.

"Fine." I groan.

I get up and slowly go over to unlock the door. Once I do I regret it. Jc tackles me onto my bed and I start laughing. We both are dying laughing.

"Get off me, you are crushing me." I laugh.

"Nope never." He smiles.

I try to wiggle out from underneath him but he holds me down. He weighed to much for me to even try so I gave up. I started laughing even more and I snorted.

Jc died laughing and then looked at me in my eyes. He stopped laughing and raised his hand. He slowly put a strand of hair behind my ear. My breathing slowly came to a stop when he started to lean in.

Our lips met and it turned into a passionate kiss. His arms still pinned me down to the bed. The kiss wasn't like Kian's. There wasn't fireworks but I still felt something.

"I've been waiting to do that since forever." He laughs.

I smirk and Jc rolls off of me. I could hear someone coming up the stairs and heading down the hall way to my door. Jc and I slowly move where we are sitting to look respectable and like nothing just happened. His cheeks were still red and I'm sure so were mine.

"Yo Laura." Kian says opening the door.

He stops when he sees that Jc is in the bed next to me. His facial expression changes to anger but he doesn't say anything about it.

"Um Ricky wants you down stairs." He sighs and closes the door.

Jc turns to me and says "well ok then."

I laugh and he gets up to leave the room. But I stand up and stop him. I grab his hand and I lead him into my bathroom. Not in that kind of way.

I hop up on to the counter and he stands between my thighs. He tangles on of his hands into my hair and places the other one on my hip. He pulls my hip closer to him and i wrap my legs around him.

His smashes his lips to mine and moves his hand up my leg. My hands claw at his shirt. He only takes seconds to lift his off his back. He continues to kiss me as I run my fingers down his back. He tugs at my hair, making my head fall back. He moves his lips down to my neck. I could feel everything and every point were he was touching me.

"Jc" I moaned.

He kissed me even harder and his hands traveled to my hips. I broke the kiss and he pulled me as close as he could.

"You need to go down stairs before the boys start to question anything." I laugh.

"Ok deal." He laughs kissing me on last time then going down stairs.

I turn on the water and get into a hot bath. I slowly let the water run down my body. I spent a good 20 minutes just letting the water run down my back. I sat down on the tile and just waited. I don't know what for but I just waited.

I heard a knock at the door but I didn't bother to answer. I was to caught up with looking at my scars. The looked awful all over my body. Down my arms, up my legs, across my hips. My entire body looked awful. I could feel tears coming on before there was another knock.

"Laura are you ok?" Ricky says.

"Ya I'm fine." I say.

"It doesn't sound like it. You have been in there for 30 minutes Laura." Ricky yells through the door.

"I said I was fine." I yell.

"Laura open this door." He says calmly.

I turn off the water, grab a towel and walk over to the door. I wrap myself up and open the door.

"See I'm fucking fine." I say walking past him.

"Laura you need to come downstairs. We have things to talk about." He says.

"I will be down there in a few." I promise.

He turns and leave so that I can get dressed. I throw on some spandexs and a long sleeve t-shirt. I went down stairs and saw a plate of food waiting.

"Sit down and eat." Ricky says.

I sit down at the counter and start to eat. I eat ever so slowly, trying to swallow each piece, a bit by bit. Ricky sits there and watches me eat. I smile at him and slide back in my chair. There was one more bite on my plate and Ricky looks at me.

"Seriously Ricky" I ask.

"Yes now eat." He glares.

I pick up the last piece and eat it. I get up and head over to the TV area. Everyone is sitting there, including Kian. I sit down and everyone looks at me. Sam starts to laugh.

"What?" I say.

"You kinda got a hickey." He laughs.

I quickly cover up the mark on my neck and laugh.

"It must have been from last night." I laugh.

I glance at Jc and I saw him blushing. I look back at everyone. Kian stands up and marches up stairs.

Broken and Bruised-Kian Lawley/O2LWhere stories live. Discover now