Chapter 16

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I look outside my window and watch the rain come down. I have been sleeping for about the past week. Ricky has me taking the antidepressants and they have been helping. I haven't self harmed since the day I tried committing.

I guess that's a good thing but these pills fucking suck. I haven't gone any where in forever and I don't really feel like going anywhere either. The door opens and there stands Kian.

"Well guess what tomorrow you are coming with us to one of the meet and greats." he says walking over to my bed.

"Well doesn't that sound like a blast." I smirk.

"I like this sassy vibe I am getting. Its cute." He laughs.

"I really wanna be around 100's of girls that are crying for my brother." I frown.

"And me." He laughs.

"Ya possibly that too." I smirk.

I get ready for whatever kind of day we are gonna have. I doubt we will be doing anything today except chilling at home. I head down stairs after taking a quick shower and putting some makeup on.

When I get downstairs, I see that Ricky has made a whole meal for everyone to eat. I don't wanna sit with everyone like a big happy family. Ricky called me over and hands me my pill for the day. I pop it into my mouth and he hands me a glass of water.

"Down the hatch." He smiles.

I throw my head back and swallow the water. He smiles at me and goes to the table. I turn my back on everyone and spit the pill out of my mouth. I sigh and quickly throw it away. I put on a fake smile and go sit down for breakfast.

When it was over with we all went our different directions. I went back upstairs to watch Netflix and look for something to wear tomorrow. I start search through my closet after I turn on Gossip Girl on Netflix. I watch the tv from the corner of my eye as I search through the mess. I hear the door open and I turn to see Jc.

"Hey Jc, What's up?" I say still searching through the clothes.

"I wanted to talk." He says.

"What about?" I ask.

I stand up and sit on my bed. He walks closer to me.

"actually I don't wanna talk at all." He says.

He pushes me back on my bed and he kisses me. His hands roam down my body for a few seconds before I start to push them off. I stop the kiss and scoot away from him.

"Jc I can't. I would be lying to myself if I said I don't like Kian." I say looking away from him.

"But why him over me?" He asks.

"I don't know honestly. But if things don't work out between us, I want you." I say.

"No I don't wanna be your seconds choice or rebound." He says.

He crawls off the bed and walks out of my bedroom. I sit there on my bed trying to figure out what the hell is all going on.

Broken and Bruised-Kian Lawley/O2LWhere stories live. Discover now