82: Goodbye

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Waking up with Afrah in his arms felt surreal. Jameel had Indisputably missed the feeling of just basking in her warmth and heavenly scent. A satisfied smile stretched his lips as she snuggled even deeper into his arms. Jameel planted a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"So it wasn't a dream?" Afrah's voice was low-pitched, almost incoherent.

Jameel pulled back a little, picking her cheek lightly. "What do you think?"

Afrah bridged the little gap Jameel had created between them and rested her head on his chest. "I'm  glad we've been able to settle our differences. Do you know how miserable I was when you kept ignoring me? Fawaaz was the only person that kept me going. I wanted to give up, but I couldn't."

Jameel planted another kiss on her forehead. He didn't say anything in response to Afrah's confession. Why? Because he didn't want to go back to the phase they'd already passed. He didn't want to remember the horrible nights, the emotional trauma, the heartache. The past should be left in the past. The most important thing was that they had finally been able to push aside their egos and settle their differences. Not only for their son, but for each other as well. The deep-rooted love Jameel had for his wife was still alive and strong. He had doubts about Afrah's feelings for him, and just needed her to do something to make him confident that she still felt the same way she fet about him years ago.

"Did you miss me, Jameel?" Afrah hummed. "Your silence is making me think otherwise."

Jameel nodded. Couldn't she see the magnitude in his eyes? Of course he did. Perhaps even more than she did.

Afrah's brows twitched. "I want to hear you say it."

"I love you," Jameel tightened his arms around her. So tight that began to pull away, uncomfortable. "I love you, Afrah."

"I can't breathe!" Afrah chuckled, slapping his arm lightly.

Jameel cupped her face, his breath fanning her forehead. "I missed you so much. I still do.  I want us to relive those moments that we were close, yet far. let's not allow anything or anyone wedge a bridge between us again."

Afrah nodded in agreement. "I love you."

"You will have to keep saying it for me to believe you," Jameel joked, but there was an atom of seriousness in his tone. Afrah wasn't the type to show so much affection, and most times, it made him feel unloved by her. Especially given the circumstances of their marriage.

Afrah huffed. "What does that even mean?"

Jameel chuckled, pulling her to his body again. "Nothing. Let's get ready, you know we have to go to Hajiya today."

Realization surged into Afrah She lowered her head.

Jameel placed a hand beneath her chin, raising her face. He could tell she was nervous. He couldn't blame her though because he was equally feeling the same. "Don't worry," Jameel said, caressing her face. "Everything is going to be fine."

Afrah gulped. "What if she doesn't forgive me? What then?"

"I believe she will," Jameel reassured. He knew his mother well. Like a coconut, she may appear stone-hearted, but deep inside, she was as soft as a slime. He also appreciated the fact that Afrah genuinely regretted everything she did to You just have to show her how sorry you are. We'll do it together."

Afrah nodded, and got off the bed. "I'll get Fawaaz ready. You should get ready too. We're returning today, right?"

"Let's see how it goes," Jameel replied, getting off the bed too. He strolled towards Fawaaz's cradle and picked him up, waking him up in the process. "Assalamualaikum, champ," he muttered, then planted a kiss on his cheeks. "Good morning."

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