6| Movie night

266 3 18

Pt.2 of 'Group Chat'

(I think this'll be a bit short sorry)

-Bad grammar
-My ships
-lazy cause im thinking on another oneshot
-may contain a bit smut hehe...😅


So the ninjas were all in the living room, and everyone got some popcorn. Zane downloaded the movie, then he put them in the TV, and the movie started.

[i choosed that movie cause i love it so much🫶🫶 Toothless is my fav btw🤭]


Kai sat on Cole's lap in the sofa. Zane tested his head on Pixal's lap in front of the sofa. Lloyd was in the armchair. Jay was sitting on the thing.... You know.... It has beans in it... I FORGOT ITS NAME OKAY?! Sorry T-T. Anyway, Nya was sitting besides him. They watched the movie, when someone came in the room.

"What is happening here?" The wise old man asked his students. Zane paused the movie then he spoke up. "Our apologies master, we just having a movie night. We hope thats not a problem." Wu just nodded when saw them..... "Kai my dear....." he asked "Yes, Master?" "You know you sitting on Cole's lap, do you?" Kai blinked a few then he chuckled a bit. "Yea, i know." He said with a proud tone. "And Cole, you know Kai is sitting on you?!" Everyone almost laughed then the earth ninja spoke up. "Yea i know. Can't my boyfriend sit on me?" He blushed a Bit andWu was a bit shocked but then he told sm. "Okay then. Enjoy yourselfes the movie." He then left the room......

The ninjas started the movie it then ended. It was 23:00 pm in the night so they decided to go sleep. "Nya?" the pikachu- i mean Jay asked his gf. "Can i sleep with you?" "Yes, ofc" Kai heard that and glared at Jay. "Its better be not more than sleeping. Am i right, Jay?" The two Blue ninja blushed hard then they nodded. They went or sleep. Before Cole could open his room, someone hugged him from behind. "Oh, firefly! Do you need anything." He said turn around and kissed Kai's forhead. "Ummm.... Yea..... can- can- can i sleep with you tonight? If thats not a problem...." Both blushed so madly, then the Black ninja spoke up. "N-n-no it-its nn-oo-not ofc. You can" they hugged each other. "Can we Kiss?" "Honey, im ur bf. You don't need a premmission to Kiss me." Cole kissed Kai. "Oh baby i love you so much." "I luv you too Rocky." And they kissed again. Then Cole got Kai up, and it was like Kai is a koala. "C-Cole?! What are you doing" the brunette was now redder than the tomato and redder even his gi. "Carrying you to My room. You're so cute. Im going to write nickname a for you and I'll definetly put Koala in it." He laughed then carryed Kai to his room. They sat on the bed. Kai was Still on his lap.

Cole kissed Kai again. This time Cole licked Kai's lips. He wanted to get into Kai's mouth. Kai moaned a bit causing to open his mouth then Cole's tounge Explored every part of Kai's mouth. Kai was now moaned But a bit loundly. They then broke the kiss and a lot of saliva was connecting their mouth. "Your mouth, now is My territory. Understood, baby?" Cole asked his bf. The saliva was Still there "y-y-yes C-Cole... i understand....." Cole then pinned Kai to the bed, and started unbelting his jeans.

[im not good at writing smuts But im trying i think😅😅]

Cole then started marking Kai with hickeys. He searched for his Sweet spot, then he found it. "C-c-cole~~ ahh~~~" he moaned his lovers name. Cole licked the Sweet spot then he asked. "Whats up baby? Do you want me to break your legs?" He asked and looked down to his bf for answers. "Yes, please" he begged.......

[so i can't write smut, so imagine the rest🤭🤭]

In the morning Kai waked up and saw himself naked?! He was so red... his hair wasn't even gaelled..... He looked besides himself and saw Cole... he was naked too...... did they do that yesterday? 0//////0 omg..... he wanted to stand up but he couldn't.... his ass hurted sm. WFT?

"COLE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!" Cole waked up instantly. "Whats up hon?" "I can't walk you bitch" Cole laughed at his bf then Kai got more angrier. "Whats so funny?" "You wanted me to break you remeber?" he said with a wink

"Whatever" said the red ninja. "I love you too, firefly"


Im gonna end here, and im not gonna make pt.3 cause im making another oneshot. It'll be sm with kids ;)

~804 words~

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