» 1. A tour through Hell. (❓)

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"Sir, is this tour really necessary?" The newest employee asked his coworker, Aiko, who was forcibly taking him on a tour throughout the lab. The new hire would hold a clipboard against his chest nervously as Aiko turned to him. "I just think giving me a map would be better than having to waste your time.." He added, looking down at Aiko. The scientist simply chuckled, a smile seemingly planting itself on his face, yet no one could truly tell, for the scientist wore a surgical mask at all times. Noticing the other pausing, he'd sigh, before grabbing the other's wrist, dragging them along. "Of course, after all, I need to give some warnings to you, newbie."

"My name's-"

"I don't care about it. Your new name is 'newbie' now, okay?"

"...Alright, sir.."

As Aiko dragged the newbie, he passed by certain spaces, namely the medical wing, cafeteria, front desk, the Site Director's office, and then a few cells. "I'll give you a run down of each cell, starting from the unclassified anomalies, and then bring you to the experimentation room. Well, the main one.." Aiko mumbled, before dragging the newbie once again. Stopping at a cell with a guarded door and large window, peering inside, Aiko could see that it was unnervingly blank, with white walls, white floors, white beds- even white clothes for the two anomalies kept inside. "Here is the unclassified cell. There's only two beds because if there ever is an excess, we either quickly decide which classification the others will go to, before getting lazy to do the rest, or we simply let them sleep on the floor and rot away." Aiko stated to the rookie, who took in the sight, concerned. "Sir, they looked starved. They don't have any-" He was cut off by Aiko snapping his fingers and walking off to the next cell. 

"This cell here contains anomalies that could escape if they so wished to, or if they simply pose a major threat." Aiko simply stated, ignoring the fact that one subject was clawing at the door, scaring the rookie, before Aiko simply dragged them off towards the next two cells. "And these two are anomalies that are close to the last one's league, though not quite. Oooh, so close yet just not her type." He joked, before pulling Newbie off again, startling the poor guy. Walking past the locked office and towards two wooden doors, Aiko pushed them open, showing the newbie the marine creatures of the lab, who were given a cell that was a replica of an actual beach. "These are our fresh meat." The scientist chuckled, before taking the newbie away to another set of cells, further down the hall, in another portion of the lab. 

Walking fast, the rookie almost slipped many, many times due to Aiko's speed. Aiko would pull the new hire to a different corridor. Walking to a hall with two different doors, Aiko simply smiled(?). "Okay, rookie!" "My name is-" "Shut up. Anyway, here are our most useless anomalies!" Aiko exclaimed, leaning into the door, looking at the anomalies. "They're all safe. They either pose no threat but can escape or pose a threat but cannot escape.. or, both, or a mix." He explained, tapping on the glass, watching as an anomaly tried to tap on the window back.

"That's cruel, sir." The newbie stated, holding his clipboard in the hand that wasn't held tightly by Aiko. He bit his lip before sighing as Aiko moved on to the cell that felt the most humane. "And this here is the cell for the rats." He smiled, leaning on the wall as he let go of the rookie's hand. The rookie peered inside through the window, curious, before he paused. The sight he saw were of humans adorning orange jumpsuits, eating lunch. One of the people within the crowd, who at first was eating a sandwich, also ate the plate. "Sir, those are just people..?"

"First mistake you've made throughout this entire day is feeling bad for everyone here." Aiko stated, pulling down his surgical mask to take a cigarette out of his pocket. Unintentionally, or perhaps he knew what he was doing, Aiko revealed his face, which had a large stitch running across the left half of his face. Taking a pack of cigarettes, he'd look at the rookie. "Do you have a lighter?" He asked, to which the newbie nodded to. The rookie reached into his pocket, grabbing a lighter, before lighting the cigarette that Aiko now held. "Gee, thanks." 

"What did I even sign up to.." The newbie asked, sighing as he watched Aiko smoke. As he spoke, Aiko simply smiled, the cigarette held between his fingers, before he lowered it. The newbie even covered his mouth and nose with a hand as the smoke spread through the hall. Aiko then spoke, smiling with this emptiness in his eyes that the newbie didn't know just how to explain or process. 

 "To quote my savior, Welcome to SITE-CH4OS, the place where all scientific and moral laws are broken. This is where true power and chaos thrive, and none of you will leave. Enjoy your stay."

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