» 2. Cafeteria. (🎭)

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The members of the staff who weren't busy with their jobs or anything else were in the cafeteria, awaiting their meals. Today, the security guard, Brandon, decided to cook a meal to show his appreciation towards everyone. "You guys are always so nice and fun to work with," Brandon exclaimed as he placed down two bowls of Champorado for Aiko and the Rookie. Aiko smiled as he grabbed the bowl, leading the new hire to a table to eat, all while the other was anxious about Aiko, as if they'd discovered something about him the others didn't know or realize. Oh well, no secrets properly exists when he is here.

Within the far left of the cafeteria were the site director, Ophelia, and him, who everyone seemingly referred to as Chaos, or merely 'sir'. The two sat facing each other, with Ophelia calmly eating her meal. She took a spoonful of the champorado, before gently blowing it to cool it down, before she placed the spoon in her mouth, swallowing down the sweet meal. "Sir, you really should eat.." Ophelia commented as she looked at Chaos, who sat still, staring at his meal. He learned further away from the bowl as he looked away from the food and at Ophelia. "My.. meal? Oh right. No worries, I'll eat. I'm merely thinking for now.." He trailed off, staring at his food as he hesitantly grabbed the spoon.

As if the world was, for once, in Chaos' favor, the little girl, Ari, walked in. "Can I have food as well?" She asked, looking up at Brandon with a small smile. "Apologies, kid. I'm all out." He said, explaining that there was no more to give. He'd lean over the counter, giving Ari a small pat as to not make her feel bad. 

Chaos watched the scene, before a smile spread on his face. Standing up, he'd carefully grab the bowl with gloved hands, wincing at the heat. "Sir, what are you-" Ophelia meant to ask, before Chaos already walked off. Walking towards Ari, he'd kneel in front of her. "Hey, kiddo! I believe your name is Ari, correct?" He asked, smiling as he looked at the kid. She'd nod, looking up at the older. "Here, do you want my bowl?" He asked, lowering it so that she could reach for the bowl of champorado. Sparkles filled her eyes as she carefully grabbed the meal, staring at it, before looking back up at Chaos.

"Oh my, my savior donated his meal to a starving child~" Aiko commented, staring at the scene with half-lidded eyes as a smile spread on his face. The Rookie shuddered, not at all liking Aiko's odd obsession with calling the man his savior- it seemed to apply to all the staff here, yet Aiko was the most serious about it. Ophelia stood up, walking towards Chaos. "Sir, you didn't need to do that." She started, a gloved hand gently grabbing his shoulder. "I could've given my meal to her-"

"It's fine, miss Ophelia. I simply gifted dear Ari food. Everyone, including yourself, was already enjoying, so, I must commit this sacrifice for now." He cut her off, standing up, hand brushing her hand off his shoulder. Stretching his arms, a satisfying crack could be heard. "I'll be off now. I have a meeting scheduled with an exorcist." He'd say. Before anyone could say anything else, he walked off, running towards the portal room, boots creating a click each time they hit the floor.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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