
10 1 3

I looked at him again, still on his phone, brows furrowed slightly. He really just wanted help. 

"Guys, let's stop here and continue tomorrow again." Everyone agreed and left as soon as I stopped talking.

I turn around to pack my things as an arm slung around my shoulders.

"Hi hi, you want to go eat with us?" A smiley jisung asked.

"I would love too but.." I stopped because I didn't wanted to tell the reason I didn't want to go. Lee Minho.

"But? You know what? No buts , you're coming. Come on faster we're already going~" he said already stepping out of the room

"So you're coming, huh?" Minho stood there leaned on the door frame.

"Yeah." I still packed my things not making eye contact 

"Why did you leave me  without saying anything?"

I stopped at whatever I was doing, caught off guard by his question. He's really straightforward.

"That's what I thought, silence from you again. That's what I got my whole life from you -silence." He said before walking off.

After all this time he still wants to know? Still cares why I left? I made a mistake. A really big big one.


I'm so sorry for updating so slow😭

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