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I woke up. Looking around I probably slept on the counter in the kitchen. My head hurts.

But work, I need to go to work. 

I walk to the bus station waiting for he bus to arrive. As it arrived I entered it and waited till it reached my destination.

Going out of the bus was actually such a horror. So many fans, paparazzis too. No, no, no, I hate this it has too many flashes it makes me nervous. Fucking hell. Why today.

I quickly made my way in when suddenly someone grabbed my wrist harshly.

"Aren't you the dance mentor of stray kids??" Someone asks me loudly.

"Yes.." I said almost above a whisper.

"This girl can't even speak in a normal volume how can she even mentor. Are you a nepotism-" before he could finish his sentence a person yanked his hands away from me.

"Hey, didn't anyone taught you manners? Manners to not touch a woman, hell not to touch anybody this way?" None other than Minho said to the unknown paparazzi.

"And who the hell are you?" The paparazzi replied angrily back.

"I'm someone who can you release from  your position as a paparazzi real fast. So go live your life somewhere else please." He said before taking me into the building .

"Are you okay?" He said still walking but already letting go of my wrist.

"Yeah.." I said just like a whisper.

"You're obviously not, you're shaking and your breathing is not consistent." He said still looking in the opposite direction. "Even if we're not close like we used to, I know that you're not okay if you lie to me."

"I'm fine really." I said out of breath.

"Yeah yeah." He pulled me into the practice room and gave me his bottle is water. "Drink it, I haven't opened it yet." He said before taking the bottle and opening it for me.

"Thank you" I took the bottle and drank from it.

Sorry that I made you still care so much. Sorry, I truly am.


Fr now. I got so many headshots in pe on Wednesday, from dodge ball and soccer. But we played soccer with the bouncy ball so it's not that bad. I don't really like  soccer tho, it's scary kinda. And guys btw, tell me how u like the story so far!!


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