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And all your friends say he's the one. His love for you is true.
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Elena's POV
The alarm clock goes off earlier than usual, and I groggily reach over to turn it off. Blinking in the dim morning light, I feel a rush of excitement wash over me. Today, Pablo and I are going to check out a painting club, and I can hardly contain my anticipation.

Pablo stirs beside me, his arm draped lazily across my waist. "Morning, Mariposa," he murmurs sleepily, his voice still thick with sleep.

"Morning," I reply, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Ready for our little adventure?"

He stretches and grins at me. "Always."

We get dressed quickly, opting for comfortable clothes suitable for a creative day out. After a quick breakfast of coffee and toast, we head out the door and into the car. The streets are quiet, with only a few early risers out and about.

We arrive at Julieta's place right on time. She's already waiting for us, her face bright and cheerful despite the early hour. "Good morning!" she chirps as she hops into the car.

"Morning, Julieta," Pablo and I reply in unison.

The drive to the painting club is filled with light-hearted chatter. Julieta shares stories about her friend Catalina, who's a member of the club, and how passionate she is about painting. I feel a warm sense of anticipation growing inside me, eager to meet new people who share my love for art.

We pull up to a charming building with a colorful mural painted on the side. The painting club is nestled inside, and it looks inviting and vibrant. We step out of the car, and Julieta leads the way inside.

Catalina greets us at the door, her smile wide and welcoming. "Hola! You must be Elena and Pablo," she says, extending her hand. "I'm Catalina, so nice to meet you both."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Catalina," I say, shaking her hand warmly. "Julieta's told us so much about this place in the car. I'm really excited to be here."

Catalina beams. "I'm so glad! Let me show you around."

As we walk through the club, I'm struck by the lively, creative atmosphere. The walls are adorned with beautiful paintings in various styles, each one telling its own unique story. Members are scattered around, engrossed in their work, the air filled with the soft hum of conversation and the occasional clink of paintbrushes against palettes.

Catalina introduces us to a few of the members, who all greet us with the same warmth and enthusiasm. I can already feel a sense of community here, and it's incredibly comforting.

We stop in front of a large window that lets in a flood of natural light, perfect for painting. "This is where most of the magic happens," Catalina says with a grin. "Feel free to look around and ask any questions. We'd love to have you join us, Elena."

I glance at Pablo, who's watching me with a proud smile. "What do you think?" he asks.

"I think this place is amazing," I reply, my voice filled with genuine excitement. "I can't wait to start painting here."

Catalina claps her hands together. "Fantastic! We have a session starting soon if you'd like to join in and get a feel for it."

I nod eagerly. "I'd love that. Is that okay Pablo?" He nods. "Ofcourse. I'll watch you."

Pablo and Julieta find a comfortable spot to sit and watch as Catalina helps me set up an easel and supplies. I take a deep breath, feeling the familiar thrill of creativity bubbling up inside me. As I dip my brush into the paint and make the first stroke on the canvas, I feel a wave of contentment wash over me. This is where I belong.

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