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It's just a question.
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Pablo's POV
When Iván and Violet, my PR managers, arrive at my house, I welcome them with a smile, although I know they have come with an agenda. They are always professional and meticulously prepared, which I appreciate, but I can sense that today's discussion is going to be particularly detailed.

"Good to see you, Iván, Violet," I greet them, ushering them into the living room. The room is spacious and bright, with large windows letting in the afternoon sun. We sit on the comfortable sofas around the coffee table.

"Hi, Pablo," Iván says, his usual clipboard in hand. Violet gives me a warm smile as she settles into her seat. "Thanks for taking the time to meet with us."

"Of course," I reply, trying to read their expressions. "What's on the agenda today?"

Violet leans forward slightly, her expression earnest. "We want to discuss the upcoming movie premiere. It's a significant event with a lot of media coverage, and we believe it's the perfect opportunity for you and Elena to make a public appearance together."

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued but also slightly apprehensive. "Elena? But she prefers to stay out of the spotlight. She's more comfortable in the background."

Iván nods, understanding my hesitation. "We know that, Pablo. But right now, your fans see Elena as a somewhat elusive figure. She's a crucial part of your life, and it's important for your public image that people see her as such. It can help solidify your relationship in the public eye and create a stronger personal brand."

I sigh, considering their words. It makes sense from a PR perspective, but I know Elena will have mixed feelings about this. "Elena's out shopping with Julieta right now," I say, buying myself a bit of time to think. "But she'll be back soon. Have you discussed this with her before?"

Violet shakes her head. "Not yet. We wanted to run it by you first. We think the premiere would be a great start because it's a controlled environment. Lots of press, but also a lot of security and organization. We can make sure everything goes smoothly."

Iván chimes in, "Elena doesn't have to be front and center all the time, but having her appear at events like this occasionally will help your fans see her as your partner. It's a strategic move."

I lean back, trying to visualize how Elena will react. She is always supportive of my career but has never sought out the limelight for herself. "And what do you think Elena will say about this?"

Violet smiles reassuringly. "We'll approach it gently. We'll explain the benefits and how we can manage the exposure. If she's worried, we can address those concerns and ensure she feels comfortable."

I nod slowly. "Alright. I'll talk to her about it when she gets back. I want to make sure she understands that I support her, whatever she decides."

"That's a good approach," Iván says. "We can provide her with all the information she needs, and we'll be there to support both of you throughout the event."

We spend the next hour discussing the logistics of the premiere, the potential media questions, and how to handle different scenarios.

When Elena returns from her shopping trip, I will need to have a thoughtful conversation with her. I hope she will understand the importance of this for our public image and be willing to step into the spotlight, even if just for a night.

As Iván and Violet leave, Violet takes me aside while Iván heads to the car. She has a serious expression on her face.

"Pablo, can I ask you something?" she says, her tone indicating it's something important.

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