5. The aftermath

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"Shub" , Ishan smiled.
"Shut up, Ishan!"
Shubman screamed forcing Ishan to get up.
"Shub.. I'm- I'm not well.."
Ishan croaked out. He was already dizzy, and the sudden movements just sent a wave of dizziness.
"Stop lying! All you can do is lie!" Shubman continued to yell.
"And who are you? Just a boy. Who asked you to do all that for me? Huh!?"

He shook Ishan by his shoulders.
"Na tere aage koi hai na piche! You work three jobs and get me gifts from shops that I can buy in a snap of my fingers!"
Saying that he threw the bracelet near Ishan's feet. Ishan could feel his heart being thrown away with the bracelet. It was the only thing he could afford right now. All his money had been used up for his rent and food and other small expenses.

Ishan had bought that bracelet for Shubman as an apology for the prank. He had sent it to Shubman's office since Shubman had refused to meet him or speak to him, hoping that Shubman would like the gift and forgive Ishan.
Ishan immediately bent down and picked up the bracelet. It was a bracelet with small black beads and three evil eye symbols.

"I don't need these gifts! Nor do I need you now!"
Shubman yelled, glaring at Ishan.
"I'm tired of you, Ishan! You're a nobody! You're nothing without me" That was the last straw for Ishan.
"Leave, Shubhman!"
Ishan couldn't control himself anymore.
"I wasn't planning to stay either!" Shubman yelled before he made his way out, banging the door.

The moment the door closed Ishan slumped on the floor, tears spilling out of his eyes as he held the bracelet close to his heart.
"I hate you, Shubman gill"
He sobbed. Didn't Shubman notice his state? Ishan was sure he looked pale and tired, then why didn't Shubman see? Was Shubman so blinded by his rage that he couldn't even notice Ishan suffering like this? All these thoughts crossing Ishan's mind it made him only cry harder, worsening his health.

Though that was the moment Ishan knew he couldn't stay in this city anymore. He had grown more determined. For a while now, he had been thinking of declining such a good opportunity, prefering to work three jobs instead, just to stay close to Shubman. But not anymore, he was done with this place and with that man. He was expected to be at the agency till 10th may. It was 29th April. He would leave today itself.

He called Rahul.
"Hello", Rahul spoke first.
"I need some help.. Can you-can you help me?"
Ishan shakily asked.
"Ishan, you don't need to ask me that.. Of course I will help you"
Rahul soothed his worries.
"What help do you need?"
Rahul added.

"I'm leaving for Bangalore today itself... Can you please book a train ticket for me..? I'll pay you back once I start earning, I promise."
Ishan asked.
"You don't need to pay me, Ishan.. I'm doing it as a friend.. And be ready in 45 minutes I'll drop you at the station.", Rahul told him before he cut the call.
Ishan hurriedly packed his things in a small suitcase he had.

He looked at the bracelet before picking it up and wearing it himself. It doesn't matter if Shubman didn't like it, he cared for the things he bought unlike Shubman. If Shubman didn't want it, he would keep it. It would also serve as a reminder of how he had been discarded so easily. Thrown away, just like this bracelet.

Within 10 minutes Rahul had sent him the ticket details. Ishan sat silently looking at the place where he had spent his last 2 years. He thanked the place, silently feeling the pain of parting with it. He felt himself reliving the memories he had shared in this place he called home with Shubman, till Rahul arrived.
Rahul drove the car silently, and soon they reached the train station.

"Thank you so-"
"You don't need to thank me, Ishan! Chill.. Maine apni marzi se kiya hai ye.. And you don't need to pay me back.. Just text me when you reach there", Rahul hugged him.
"Bye, Rahul bhai."
Ishan stumbled through the train booths. His fever was just increasing.

The journey went in a blur and ishan was standing in front of the building now. He had already informed the agency that he would be arriving early.
He heard a call, turning around he saw a man maybe in his late twenties walking towards him.
Ishan smiled back nervously, he wanted to make a good first impression. This place was going to be his new home after all.

"I'm Rohit"
The man smiled forwarding his hand for a hand shake.
"Ishan Kishan"
Ishan smiled reciprocating the gesture.
Rohit smiled before he frowned.
"Are you okay, baccha? You feel a bit warm.."
He asked.
"I'm fine"
Ishan lied.

"If you say so... Come let me show you around"
Rohit guided him through the entry gate. As Rohit showed him the place Ishan felt more and more dizzy. It felt like he was underwater.
"Shan- ISHAN!"
Rohit's face came in his view. Ishan blinked confusedly as Rohit kept patting his cheeks.

Rohit kept patting Ishan's cheeks. He was sure the kid had high fever with the way his eyes were out of focus.
Ishan blinked sluggishly before slumping completely in Rohit's arms.

Ishan jerked awake, whimpering as the bright light hurt his eyes.
"Hey hey.. It's fine, chotu"
Someone ran their hand through his hair. A face swam in his vision and he blinked in confusion.
"It's fine.. Sleep again, we'll speak later, chotu."
The man smiled warmly patting Ishan's head in a gentle manner.

Ishan remembered this wasn't the same man who had shown him around.
Ishan tried to think more but the fever and the man's soothing pattern had eased him in sleep's embrace within minutes.



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