8. Stupid man

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Ishan looked around slowly making his way towards Yash knowing Yash was very likely to get himself killed, just as he was about to reach Yash, Ishan heard a gunshot and the chair in front of Yash was knocked over and there sat Yash, with zero protection. As the guy aimed his gun at Yash once again, Ishan stood up letting go of his cover, to make his way towards Yash faster. Right when he reached Yash, he heard another gunshot.

Ishan had jumped in front of Yash just in time to save him from the bullet. Ishan then shot the guy with his gun and held Yash's hand pulling him behind another couch to take cover. Yash looked like he was in a daze.
"Are you okay?"
That had seemed to make Yash snap out of it as he scanned Ishan from head to toe.
"Am I okay!? Are YOU okay?"

Yash scanned Ishan again and kept checking for any wounds.
"I'm fine!"
Ishan pointed towards where the bullet had hit him. The bullet was stuck in his vest. Yash sighed in relief and Ishan just shook his head.
"Couldn't you have chosen to take cover in a better place?"
Ishan said shaking his head as he removed his vest.

He handed over the vest to Yash, who eyed him confused.
"Wear it!"
"No way! That's yours."
"If you don't wear it, I'll constantly worry about you and probably get myself hurt by being distracted, so just shut up and wear it."
Ishan said while he started forcefully putting the vest on Yash and Yash could do nothing else but comply.

Shubman, who had been hiding with Virat behind the couch right next to Ishan and Yash's, had overheard their conversation and couldn't help but feel a little hurt over Ishan's lack of attention towards him and extra care towards Yash. He also felt that it was reckless of Ishan to give his vest to Yash, but he couldn't say anything. Ishan got up to shoot one of the attackers and Shubman's heart dropped.

Ishan fighting these guys without wearing a vest was going to give Shubman a heart attack. Virat was also shooting the attackers whilst looking for an exit. He took Shubman's hand and slowly made his way towards the exit while shooting the attackers, who were blocking their way. Ishan wasn't wearing a vest and so it was hard for him to proceed towards the exit.

"Ishan can you make it?"
Virat stopped hiding behind a pillar a little away from the exit, turning towards Ishan.
"Too many of them bhai, you leave first."
Ishan said looking at Virat and Virat nodded. Shubman hadn't heard Ishan though since they were talking through their ear pieces, and weren't close enough to hear each other.

"Wait! Take him."
Ishan said gesturing towards Yash.
"I'll cover him. When I start shooting, both of you try to come."
"You alone won't be enough, both of us can cover him."
Virat started shooting and Ishan also helped in covering Yash, and gestured towards Yash to start moving. Whilst Yash was in between Virat and Ishan hiding behind a table, Shubman finally understood Ishan wasn't coming with them.

"Shub, let's go Yash will follow us. Ishan is covering him."
"I'm not leaving without Ishan."
"Don't be stubborn Shubman. He'll be fine!"
"No, he won't! He's not wearing a vest."
Before Virat could argue with him further, Shubman ran back, making his way towards Ishan. Ishan spotted him and his eyes widened.
"What the fuck-"

Before Ishan could finish his sentence, bullets went off, but thankfully, somehow missed Shubman since he was moving. Ishan made his way towards Shubman in panic and just as Ishan reached him, a bullet made it's way towards Shubman. Shubman who hadn't been paying attention to anything but Ishan, hadn't seen it coming and so he couldn't duck in time to let it pass.

Ishan, however had spotted the bullet and before the bullet could hit Shubman, he stood in front of him, covering him and getting shot in the process.
It all happened too quick for Shubman or Ishan to process. Ishan fell to the floor and Shubman sinked down next to him, holding Ishan's head in his hands.

Shubman stared at Ishan with widened eyes, disbelief written all over his face and Ishan had his eyes shut. Shubman placed Ishan's head in his lap. Ishan opened his eyes when he felt something on his face, only to find it was Shubman's tears. Shubman himself hadn't realized he was crying but seeing Ishan opening his eyes, he sighed in relief, yet the tension hadn't left his body.

Hardik and Rohit had made their way inside the room and along with Virat had managed to eliminate all attackers. Hardik rushed towards Ishan and pushed Shubman away harshly before taking Ishan's head in his own lap. Rohit stood next to them tearing up a little but still hadn't grasped the situation completely. Virat picked Shubman up from the floor and Yash just sank to the floor a little further away from them.

"Ch- Chotu"
"I'm ok- okay bhaiya"
Ishan smiled a little at Hardik, before closing his eyes again.
Rohit said finally snapping out of his reverie and sinked to the floor next to them.
"I- I'm ti- tired bh- bhaiya"
"I know bacha, but you gotta keep your eyes open okay? For your bhaiyas."

Ishan nodded lightly but struggled to keep his eyes open.
"Yash, call the ambulance."
Virat ordered Yash, but Yash stayed on the floor unmoving.
Yash nodded hastily and made the call while Virat turned his attention back on Ishan.

"His wound is bleeding too much, we have to put pressure on it."
Virat said worriedly.
"It will hurt him, a lot."
Hardik said looking on the verge of tears.
"We have to do it, otherwise he will bleed out."
Rohit said and Hardik nodded.

"Don't hurt him."
Shubman retorted but everyone ignored him.
"Give me a cloth or something."
Rohit asked to no one in particular and Virat removed Shubman's suit's blazer and threw it towards Rohit. When Rohit merely touched Ishan's wound, Ishan flinched harshly and batted Rohit's hand away by hitting them with his own.

"Harry, grab his hands."


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