Well that's sure an Introduction...ain't it?

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March 1st: 2023
Hmm, let's see. I've never been too keen on these introductions, even if they are only on paper. Hi! Yeah, that's a good start! Hello, my name is Jack! Basic arse name, I get it, but that's how it works I guess. I'm an average 21 year old male, who just so happens to be the driver of the greatest steam engine known to man-kind! That's right! I drive a dirty black Scottish steam engine here on The Fat Controller's Railway! Donald, to be specific! We're apart of the mainline fleet of engines. I work with Clay Dunes, a dimwitted prick of a fireman. He's not very good at it, since he only ever seems to talk about Family Guy or porn. Ehh, it's not all bad. His mom is smoking hot, but we're really chill. I also work with Louie Carlos. He's the guard. He's just like Andrew Tate, but without the rapist, sexist vibes. He's worse than the two. But, hey, his sister and I are very chill, she's super cute too.. But don't tell Clay that, or I'll get bullied. I also have a twin brother, who works with Douglas, which I guess is pretty note-worthy, at least in my head. I got this book from Hunter, as an early birthday present! Which was pretty cool, granted, it's two days after my birthday, so, I think it's clear I'm shit at this stuff. I spoke to Donald this afternoon, and he said it'd be kinda cool if I wrote in this old thing, like a real journal. So, that's what I plan to do. I'm sure this won't end poorly!

March 19th: 2023
Turns out I was wrong... Ignore the gap in time, I'm just lazy. A few days ago, we took a goods train from Knapford to Crosby. As we shunted our trucks away into their designated sidings, we saw Oliver. Brick and Sam stood nearby, seeming rather worried. Of course, being the kind and compassionate friend I am, I blew them off. No, kidding, I asked. Oliver told us that he overheard from Rusty that The Fat Controller signed a contract with the other railway. Basically, the tldr of it was that there was an old nuclear power plant somewhere in the UK. Where? Search me. But since they're being dismantled, they need a place to load cargo onto ships, to be taken away. And, of course Knapford Harbour is the only available harbour. And that we were most likely to be given the extra work load. And he was right, the next day, diesels started bringing the old rusty tankers to Knapford Harbour. The engines of Sodor have been kept mostly in the dark about the whole thing. I guess The Fat Controller doesn't want any of us to worry, but not long ago, Arthur had a meltdown. He told us that everything is going to go up in our faces and kill us all. Most of us have been trying to write him off as mental, but let's be honest, all of us have those fears.

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