Twins & Trouble

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April 12th: 2023
God, I am really bad at this whole journal thing, huh? But, to be honest, nothing really has happened. Outside of the odd cunt of a diesel making his way here, nothing much has changed. Until last night. Thomas was feeling ill, so we were asked to take the post train. Percy was a bit cold to us, but he and Thomas are best mates. We were passing Cronk, when we heard the unforgettable sounds of the old air raid sirens. Donald was horrified! And we took off! Clay shovelled harder than anyone has ever shovelled! At last, we rocketed into Killdande. Suddenly, we were switched into the sidings! I threw on the brakes! And Donald came sliding to a stop! Right beside a pretty freaked out Gordon. He'd been told that it was only a drill. And, to our relief, the station-master relayed the same thing. We set off, before meeting Douglas at Crovan's Gate. Truthfully, the drill has shaken us up pretty badly. When we returned home, Arthur was on another tangent about the fate of the railway. It's freaking most of us out, not gonna lie. Oh yeah, something I forgot to mention, Bill and Ben have been working at Knapford Harbour for a while! The dudes behind the whole thing asked Sandy (Clay's mom, the owner of the Claypits, for those who are interested) if they could borrow them. Since there hasn't been too much going on at the claypits, Sandy let em. I think the twins are enjoying the change in pace. But ehh, I dunno. Leaving them so close to toxic chemicals seems like a bad call. But who am I to talk? I don't even write in this thing much.

April 27th: 2023
Took a train to Brendam today! Met a very nice girl actually! Her name is Ash! Met her while shunting trucks at the docks. She was a bit of a brat, but very nice to talk to! She had a go at us for being late, before being very chill, which is a bit funky, not gonna lie. Clay wouldn't shut the fuck up about how I quote 'got a girlfriend'. I made a few comments about Sandy, and that got him to stop talking. Which was good. Another drill last night actually. Nothing too major. We were told by the dude in charge that you can tell if there is something wrong, by the smell of burnt rubber. I was told that's what cocaine smells like, so good to know that if we do die, we'll smell like drug addicts.

May 8th: 2023
Hmm, something seems up. The atmosphere at the Harbour seemed different today. Bill and Ben seemed a bit jumpy and outta sorts. One of the harbour workers told me that they nearly had a containment spill from an old tanker. Which is just gone. The cunt told me not to worry, but I have anxiety, so that isn't gonna happen. Donald is still pretty freaked out, Clay and Louie aren't tho. God, if I hear another Family Guy reference come out of Clay's mouth, I will commit several crimes.

May 9th: 2023
Fucking hell. That was nuts. We were resting at Knapford, when there was some form of explosion! That, coupled with the air raid sirens that followed on, we were scared out of our minds! We bolted for our lives! Before, once again, being told it was only a drill. But we knew that wasn't the case. And so did Henry, by the sounds of it. As, when we brought some trucks into the harbour this morning, Henry was basically screaming at the two twins. Bill and Ben remained silent. They almost looked guilty. Donald stepped in,

and Henry seemed to back off

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and Henry seemed to back off. When we returned home, Arthur was nowhere in sight. Turns out Emily forced the poor lad out. In his place was Duck. Who was just as anxious as us. Donald and Duck spoke for a while. I caught something about Killdane. But I couldn't put it all together. I tried sleeping, but I'm still pretty rattled to be honest. It's gonna be a rough few days if this keeps up.

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