7| The future

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May contain smut.
[hehe im a Bad girl i know😝🤭☺️🙃😌😈🥰😜😚😘😛😩]

There was a really sunny day in ninjago, But the ninjas had a mission long away from Ninjago. They just finished it, then they got back to the monastery. "Oh, man! Im so tired!" Says the Blue ninja. "Yea, same here." The green ninja complained. "Again Pix, thanks for your help again. Without you we could have failed that mission." Said the water elemental. "Your welcome My friends." But when Pixal said this suddenly they heard a strange noise.

"You guys heard that?!" "Yea we did Cole." Kai said "probably master or mom is here. " Lloyd was not scared cause he thought thats the reason they heard that. "I don't think. They said they're going to another realm for a more difficult mission, and they won't come back just After abt. 2 months." Zane said with a worried tone. They grabbed their weapon and slowly opened the door. They heard singing, and laughing. It came from the TV room. They went slowly and hidden behind some things.

"Julia! Next time try not to make loud noises!!!" A hazel eyed girl with a not too long but not too short hair said to a girl with Blue eyes, light brown hair and it had in a bit long ponytail. The other girl's hair was darker but Still brown. "Im so sorry Kiara! It won't happen again i promise!" "Mhhm, anyway let's watch Hazbin Hotel!" "YESS GURL!!" They were so loud and exited. They sat on the sofa and started searching. The ninjas were so shocked and they thought a lot of things. 'Who re these girls? What are they doing here? How old are they?'

"Oh look Julia!! Its Lucifer🤩!!!" The two girl loved him. Kiara's fav was Alastor and the other girls fav was Lucifer himself. The ninjas never heard of that series before, but when they saw What was in it they were shocked. "We can't let them watch things like that" Nya whispered "i dont know who are they but they're too young to watch this" Zane then got up went to the TV without the 2 girl even noticed, then he turned it off. "WHAT?! WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Kiara shouted then She saw some people standing in front of them. "TURN IT BACK NOW!!! NOW WULD HAVE BEEN THE GOOD PART!!!!" Julia shouted aswell. "How old are you girls?" Pixal asked the two girls.

"Why should we Tell you?! You Random people who i never ever saw in My entire life." The dark-brown girl asked. "Calm down Kiara a bit okay? We're 16 years old." The ninjas were confused. The two girls aswell. "Hey Julia?" "Yes, Kiara?" "Why are thossssse people looks so familiar to me?" "Yea, now you mentioned for me too." They wondered them Kai spoke up. "You girls ofc known us. We're the ninjas who saved Ninjago a several times!!" Kai said then Kiara came closer. "Mhhhh. Not cause of that.... Its something else. May I ask your name sir?" Asked the girl from the red boy. "My name is Kai Smith." The two girls were now Super duper shocked.

"No- there's no way... you can't be him....." the two girls started almost shouthing... "Yea dad was right.... You were really short" the girls laughed and Kai blushed. "HEY IM NOT SHORT!!! And what did you meant by 'dad'?" The girls stopped laughing. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked Kai and he blushed a bit. "No i don't and what did you mean by 'boyfriend'? Didn't you want to say Gf?" "No i didn't" She replied "So you are?" "Um- Cole Brookstone." "NO WAY!!! KIARA YOUR DAD IS OMG" "SHUT THE FUCK UP JULIA!!" The two girls were fighting then they turned araund. "Wdym by 'your dad'?" .........


"UM....... Is Kinda hard to explain.... Its better if we indroduce ourelfes. My name is Kiara Brookstone and this is my cousin Julia Walker. Its nice to meet y'all." The two smiled then Jay shouted. "WALKER?! HOW?!" Everyone was confused. "Chill dad. We got teleported here from the future." She said and they were shocked. "So your my daughter?" Cole asked the girl. "Yes indeed father." She gave a Soft smile. But suddenly they heard a puff and they turned araund.

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