Author's Foreword

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Welcome all to the finished product of my passions. It's been many years in the making, and I am very excited to finally be sharing the completed final draft with you all. This story is incredibly important to me, and learning what I needed to tell it to you has been instrumental in not just my writing journey, but in my life's journey as well. With that, I must say thank you. 

Now onto the more pressing information concerning the reading of and release of War In Embers.


Current Schedule: NEW RELEASE Every Friday at Noon (12pm) MST. 
Projected Full Release Date: April 18th, 2025. 

War In Embers, while not currently fully released, is currently fully completed in my writing application. This means that I will NEVER miss an update. Additionally, it means that release dates can be sped up as interest, engagement, and demand all increase. Below are suggested schedules that can be adopted as we hit certain milestones in regards to reader count and demand. 

Projected Schedule #1: NEW RELEASE Every Monday & Friday at Noon (12pm) MST. 
Projected Full Release Date: November 8th, 2024. (5 Months Faster).
Requirement: Chapters are regularly hitting 1,000 reads within the week of posting, active reader count reaches 100 (or more), comments become more common. 

Projected Schedule #2: NEW RELEASE Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at Noon (12pm) MST.
Projected Full Release Date: September 2nd, 2024. (7 Months Faster).
Requirement: Chapters are regularly hitting 10,000 reads within the week of posting, active reader count reaches 3,000 (or more), comments become regular sights. 

Rest assured! Regardless of if we hit these milestones or not, you will still be receiving War In Embers in its fully completed state, as it is fully completed at the time I post this foreword and the first 5 chapters + prologue. These milestones merely act as incentives to share the story, and as rewards for growing the fellow reader base and being active and vocal in your engagement. I don't want to achieve any level of success without giving all of you dear readers something extra in return.

The Reading Of

Q. What can I expect length wise when reading War In Embers?

A. War In Embers is 52 chapters long when you include the prologue, and the story levels out at 101,000 words in total across all chapters, which, in the format of a traditional physical book, is about 439 pages in length. The average chapter length sits between 2,000 and 3,000 words, with only 2 chapters having variation outside of that (the prologue, which is intentionally very short, and an early chapter which exceeds 3,000 words by a few hundred words). 

Additional content currently includes this foreword, an authors note at the end, a bonus NSFW chapter that does not impact the existing narrative within the non-bonus content, a stats chapter that gives you insight on the evolution and writing of War In Embers in all the numeric detail, and an aesthetics chapter where I share the visual storyboards I used to help guide me in writing the characters. I may also include a playlist chapter where I share the music that was instrumental in helping me write the story and that I find lyrically to have some parallels to the story. 

This all comes out to 52 chapters of the main story, with 5-6 additional parts of bonus content, with all but one of those chapters coming at the end after the story is complete and that are entirely optional to your reading experience.

Q. How many point of view characters will I need to keep track of while reading?

A. There are 3 total point of view characters in War In Embers, excluding the character perspective that the prologue is written in. One of these characters POV chapters make up roughly 45%-50% of the story, and this character is the "true" main character. The other two characters chapters are split fairly evenly and respectively take up about 25% of the remaining written content each. 

While I do not currently have a graphic to tell you which character you are reading about at the head of each chapter (though I might in the future, in which case, ignore this) you will be able to determine the character via explicit name within the first paragraph of each chapter so as to prevent any potential confusion. 

Q. What warnings would you give a reader before they begin reading War In Embers? 

A. There are several that come to mind. War In Embers is, at it's core, a dark fantasy. At stages, I would consider it a grimdark work. This is why the book is marked for a new adult audience (ages 18-25), and also why it is marked mature. Physical violence is explicitly described, and though sexual violence against both children and adults is never explicitly described it is mentioned when necessary (though mentions of it are relatively infrequent and left to a few characters within isolated scenes- War In Embers will not inundate you with discussion of sexual trauma and abuse). 

Other forms of abuse are certainly present, namely in the realm of psychological. War In Embers is tonally very dark and I have worked very hard to not glorify any of the villainy and evil present within, even when it comes from characters that aren't our narrative villain. I do not condone any of the abuses presented within the story, regardless of who they come from and what their circumstances are. While there is a good and a bad, a right and a wrong, in my interpretation there is no "hero" in War In Embers. 

If you are in a vulnerable state, or would have anything that may cause a darker narrative like this to impact you negatively, please click off of this book now. Take care of yourself. There is no story in the world that is worth sacrificing your health for. 

With all that said, please enjoy the story!


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