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"IT IS difficult for me mother, I am sorry. "

the navi girl spoke

" I know my daughter, you were born a warrior! though it is amazing, you still must learn these things as tsakeram "

" yes I understand. "

" But for now Aiä the lesson is over, before you go about your day , your father wants to see you. "

Aiä nods her head and stands up to full height

walking to where her father stands.

"you ŵanted to see me, dad?"

"yes, Aiä it is quite urgent, our hunting warriors have said there is suspicion of others in the lands, I want you and your brothers to figure it out, I will also send out some other warriors for protection."

" when will we go?"

" this evening just before eclipse happens."

nodding her hear Aiä walks away to the tompa.

as there is light rain, aiä spots her older twin brothers.

Äkrawutru and Akxä.

" yip!" she voices the sound to atract their attention

"yip!" akxä voices back

once aiä does it one last time they find eachother

" mighty warrior aiä! finally decides to spend time with her amazing handsome brothers!"
akxä says loudly

" says who skxwang?"

" whatever, has dad told you about the mission?"
the eldest twin äkrawutru says

" yes he has. do you really think there are other navı out there, on our land?"

" let us hope not, we would've gotten a sign." äkrawutru says

" but if it is other navı, they must not mean harm? like you said äkra, we would've known if danger was comin-"

shes interupted as akxä interfers

" either way no one comes here, all this talk about that we are dangerous navı is want anyone ever brings up. besides if it is then we'll scare them away!"

" but what if-"

äkrawutru starts but is interupted by aiä

" enough about this, let's just wait until eclipse. "

already getting stressed about the situation.

" alright, fine but we must prepare eclipse is not far away."
äkrawutru says

" alright let's go."

they leave the tompa and make their way towards their homes in the main villiage.

walking together to their home many other navı bow their heads or do the ' I see you ' to them

they go to the meeting house instead and see some of the warriors they are going with, are already there

most again bowing their heads to the children of the olekytan and tashik

" welcome, we understand we are there to protect you guys but you three have been trained with us before so there should be no mess ups."

an elder warrior says

they all nod knowing what they're getting into

" we leave soon, make sure to prep your weapons. "

the weapons used in the clan are varieties but they mostly use their knifes.

whenever a hunting team goes out of the cave they use either knifes or arrows

back in their home they are sharpening their knifes and bringing an extra just to be safe

as they are doing so, two figures show up at the entrance of their home

Nerä'u'ite and Teylu'ite.

aiä's brothers mates.

nerä is akxä's mate and they're completing 4 months in 2 weeks

teylu' who is äkra's mate, they're completing 6 months in a few days

" hey aiä!" the two girls say happily

" hi guys!" she says waving with a smile on her face

" wow? what happened to us?"
akxä say seeming offended as a joke

" yeah are we just invisible?"
äkra says agreeing with his younger brother

despite them being mated already they always come home during the day when they can still mantaining that close sibling bond

even though nerä and teylu' are about 2 years older than aiä they have a good friendship together

" my dad told me about the mission, how come you didn't tell me?"
nerä questions akxä

" I just found out earlier today, sorry ma' nera."

a voice interrupts

" children it is time."

they all nod their heads

as nerä and teylu says words along the lines of be safe and be careful.

just to clarify Akxä is younger than äkrawutru by a few minutes

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