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WHAT LOAK believes the olekytan is now in front of the girl who found them earlier

loak again notices that he is wearing white paint

the girl and two boys bow their heads down slightly

"aiä, my daughter, who are these people?"
yuzey asks

" they were lurking on our land. They want help to -"

"to get our son back!"
jake sully interupts

aiä turns her head slowly to them with a glare

she had told them not to talk and he didn't follow the rules

" Dad, can we talk with them later, tetsäo said taika are in danger!"
aiä says to her father

yuzey sighs and does a gesture with his hands to eleyìng who stands nearby

"tompa cave"
is what he signals, and eleyìng nods his head, yuzey looks back to his daughter and, with his eyes moving to eleyìng, which means he wants her to go with him

aiä sighs and nods

"Warriors! we must help taika. They are in danger!"
yuzey shouts, and the warriors go back on their canost's and begin to go where taika live

it is just the sully family with aiä and eleyìng

"Come on, let's go!"

" Where are they going?"
"Is he the olekytan?"
"Where are we going?"

a series of questions are asked

aiä gets fed up and hisses at them

"You did not follow the rules, you interupt me and olekytan again, and it will not be nice. Yes, he is olekytan."

aiä says

" Your father?"
a faint voice questions

"yes my father, those two that came up were my brothers, and you all will be going to the tompa, now listen do not break the rules again, once we enter many will say things."

they all nod their heads as they see a large cave entrance nearby down the hill hidden by big trees and leaves

they walk into the cave, seeing just rock and water

there's little stepping stones across the water and onto land

they walk behind the boy, eleyìng, who is walking behind aiä, her leading the way

as they walk in deeper and deeper, it gets darker, and their specks are whiter

the cross paths made of stone, they make their way into the main área Where mostly everyone lives

the cave navı's turn their heads as they see them walking with their tsakeram

many do oel ngati kameie to aiä and bow their heads

the sullys getting weird looks thrown at them

but they are amazed by the beauty inside the cave

their home are covered by trees, there's water at the very bottom of the cave and bridges over them, they cross by tent like home like the ones back with the metkayina

they continue to walk deeper into the cave, and they hear light rain coming from infront of them

all of their heads turn in front and are amazed even more

it's like a whole other forest inside the cave, there are trees,  some small creatures, small lakes, and the glow of the plants and trees shining bright

there are more navı living there too but the homes are in the land

( imagine hobbit like homes but instead of the doors, it's covered by curtains)

they walk a little bit more and stop infront of one of the homes

"You all will stay here for the meantime, there is something we must take care of for now, if no one comes back then expect a visit tomorrow morning."
aiä says

she signs "let's go" to eleyìng

they leave and the sully family are just standing there not knowing of what to do

"..well im calling a Family meeting."

there are some sighs and groans heard through the home

" again we must be on our best behavior, these guys...we don't know what they are capable of, let's follow the rules given to us, we shouldnt be here long, if it is posible let's try to prevent from interacting with them as much..I want you all to be safe, those navı your age are taller and more muscular than any of us."

"..then how long are we staying here? how do we know this will work?"

loak says his voice getting louder as he speaks

"..son we must put pur trust in eywa and the morahas, let's hope we only stay here a couple of weeks at best, but let's not leave, we do not know what they are capable of doing."

his mate and kids nod their heads, frightened but understood

all of them could say that those navı out there did not scare them but they themselves knew that was a lie

they did not know what else lived in the cave

or how much bigger the cave really was

but for the mean time they decided to get comfortable

not knowing if someone would come back or not

but even through the cave they could tell it was becoming even darker

as some hours went by one by one they sully began to drift off to sleep

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