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"NO DAD, she didn't do anything wrong! we were just talking!"

"Boy, I warned you we don't know anything about these navı we don't know what she could've done!"

"she didn't do anything! and if she did, she would've!"

" doesn't matter if she did or didn't you can't trust them!"

"But we can trust them when trying to save neteyam when taking their energy?huh dad!"

"we are here for neteyam, to get your brother back not so you can make new friends!"

" So it will always be about neteyam, what if we were just talking dad, just what if!"

"You were on the ground loak, in pain!"

"I wasn't, dad, I wasn't.. she was helping me get up and I slipped and fell to the floor, yeah it hurt but she didn't do anything, in fact you hurt me even more, I mean you left a bruise on my arm!"

as the argument continued between loak and jake

loak began to feel hopeless

he was trying to defend aia, and she had done nothing wrong

it was his fathers worrying that was stressing him out

and aiä was only helping him

"You are meant to be home with all of us when those rituals are done! not wonder around with some girl!

"I wasn't, I had to be there with her, and she isn't some girl dad!"

"what happened to sticking together, not wandering off!"

" their not the type of people you think they are!"

" oh so what, you're now suddenly best pals with them!"


"Then stop defending them. you could have gotten seriously hurt or worse."

jake let's out a frustrated sigh

"I mean, it is clear that we should make them leave!"

back in the olekytans home, there is axkä explaining the situation to his parents and telling them to deal with the family

"axkä, it is fine."
aiä groans, having tried to convince him in not telling their parents about what happened

"no aiä it is not fine, he was yelling at you, those words he said to you were not right!"

"axkä! it is fine, do you know why it is? because I would be like that too, if we went to visit a clan that had a past of being harsh and hurtful I would want to know if you all were safe because it is true if I was a person who didn't want them here, I could've hurt him!"

"But you didn't! and yet his father, 'toruk makto', believes that he can yell at you!"

"..father we can not kick them ou-"

"And why not! gosh aiä why?"
axkä yelled, frustrated on why she was defending him when he yelled at her and accused her of something

"Because what if you lost  one of us or one of your best friends  and you can't bear the thought of not being able to hug them or laugh with them again! because I sure know that you would axkä, you would cry and cry until you couldn't cry anymore."

aiä says, giving her brothers a glare as she speaks

finally, their father decides to interfer

" that is enough, axkä I understand your concern, I personally would've kicked them out but aiä is right we don't understand what they have been going through and we don't know for how long. but right now, I am disappointed in both of your behaviors right now, yelling at your own sibling? for such a silly thing."

yuzey sighs and looks at sazari, reaching his hand out to hold hers, and they walk out

"axkä...I know you are upset about it but I am fine his words did not effect me, but maybe it is best I dint become closer with them, they are only here for their son, not to become friends.."

"That is a good idea, my sister."

he said before both of them walked out of the hut

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