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" LET'S START the journey then ."
the father of the three, Yuzey stated

as the three walked to their canost's, they made sure to look at their weapons to make sure nothing was wrong with them

those participating had their mission paint on their bodies, the colors of this mission were red and black

having it on their face and bodies, though the olekytan and his children also had on white

making tsaheylu with their canost's

" we will look around and spread apart two in every group that way we can clear more land together, make the signal when any of you are going on foot, use force when needed, I will call out for pairs."

aiä ended up being paired with another boy her age, 'eleyìng a warrior like his father, he has a slim and tall built, whom she used to be close with at a younger age

he does the 'I see you' gesture
as he walks up to her, and a smile on his face

" aiä"

" 'eleyìng, how are you?"

" I'm doing good, and you any harsh tsakeram duties yet?"

aiä laughs a little while covering her hand

" not yet, which is a good thing."

" I hope so, don't want you to overpower yourself."
he says with a somewhat smirk on his face

a small smile appears in aiä's face, but quickly, she masks her emotions

clearing her throat and pointing to her father, indicating he paid attention

" now just call out the signal if you have found anything or are in danger, make sure to tell the canosts to be silent, if on land I recommend using taika or raiona, that is all, everyone please be safe, alright let's go!"

all are now on their canost's and ready to "take off"

they all go after her father does the signal, and they are up in the sky

aiä moves her body closer to her canost, manēa

" 'eleyìng we take this side!"

the navı boy nods his head

it is starting to become night, and light rain begins

they go slow and quiet in the sky, looking for anything that looks suspicious or odd

" aiä, look!"
'eleyìng says in a whisper shout

aiä turns her head to where his finger is pointing, there she sees big birds of colorful shades in the sky leaving, five of them, aiä frowns because both her and 'eleyìng can tell they are smaller than canost and do not belong there with them

"..those are ikran, what other forest navı use, let's us go on foot." aiä says

" good idea."
'eleyìng says, nodding his head

they both start getting lower to the ground, and once their on land, they tell their canost's to leave and be quiet

" should we take taika or raiona, like olekytan said?"
'eleyìng asks her

" yes we must, tell them to be quiet."

he nods his head, him and aiä do a bird like call, letting the others in the air know their on land, the call being echoed throughout the land and air, a few more similar calls are made, then some almost roar/pur like calls are made calling for their taika's or raiona's , eleyìng and aiä doing the same and calling for their own.

their is the sound of bushes and leaves being moved around and fast and rapid footsteps

then infront of them, their raiona's  are in front of them bowing down their heads and walking to their riders

tetsäo is aiä's raiona's name, a strong male, the color of grey and black fur, with light grey eye color, being almost 9 feet tall standing up on his two back legs

aiä rubs his head and fur for a little and tells him a hello

she boards on his back, making tsaheylu with him

she watches as eleyìng does the same with his

they give each other a nod and begin at a walking pace, looking to their lefts and rights

all of a sudden aiä's ears turn up, picking up on sound but not of any animals but talking, not navı language but english

she looks to eleyìng and he's already looking at her, hearing that sound himself

they disconnect tsaheylu and go on foot, having their weapons in their hands

aiä having her sharp knife in her hand, holding it tightly

eleyìng with his medium spear already in position to attack

aiä is in front and turns her back to eleyìng and puts her pointer finger to her lips, telling him to be quiet

he nods, and she truns back around they go down on their knees, lowering their bodies to not be seen

they are hidden behind these giant leaves, and her a voice speaking again but hearing it more clearly this time

"...we'll never find them, dad..."

and a response is given but heard less

the two teens give each other a look before getting up and taking slow steps to see the intruders

eleyìng signs

she turns and sees five lighter blue navı than them walking around, looking confused

aiä puts her hands to her mouth, making a signal telling those they found something but to wait and be quiet

she turns back around to look at the family

she looks to her partner, and they give each other a nod

and get ready to attack

raiona is basically like a lion, but imagine them taller and different tones

also, the sullys are like 7ft to 8ft except for tuk shes like eight years old and 5ft

but my oc's are taller than them, let's imagine, like jake and loak are a bit taller

bcss loak is like 7'7 apparently in the atwow movie , and my oc aiä is 8'2 ", soooo yeah

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