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"LETS GO" aiä signs to eleyìng and they both walk out and head back to out of the cave

" aiä do you think that, that family is a dangerous to us?"
eleyìng says

" no definitely not, I mean their arms and legs seem very thin, and well you compared to "toruk makto", he's basically a child."

eleyìng let's out a laugh and nods his head

" yeah you are right, not to you though with your short self."
he says resting his elbow on aiä head

aiä roles her eyes and steps further away to remove his arm

" it is not ny fault! whatever come on we have to see if they are back yet."

they agree and go to the entrance of the cave and walk out and they continue walking until the reach the hill and they see all of the warriors there

aiä picks up her speed to get to them faster and she finally spots her father

" father!"

she bows her head and looks back up to him and notices he has a almost sad look on his face

" what is wrong?"

yuzey sighs and looks at his sons and nods at them

aiä is confused as they step foward to her

" aiä some baby taika were attacked by.. ikran, three of them are now with eywa, aiä we know that you take care of them and all of those things but we must mantain calm but cautious we don't know that's family's intentions."
axkä says

aiä's face turned into confusión and anger but sad, aiä would make sure everyday that all taika were doing good and if their home needed anything

she had no doubt that eywa would help them but aiä and some other navı her age decided to make something for the baby taika and those female taika who were pregnant

hearing that some of those taika were attacked made her feel sad and to find out three of them were now dead!?

but she felt anger, anger to those who attacked them, ikrans and their owners

she couldnt say anything but want to yell at the newcomers for their ikrans aggression and killing

" aiä..?"

aiä's face shows disbelief

she looks up to her father who called her name

" where are they?"

" t..tompa, they are in a home.."
she says above a whisper

" have they shown any sign ti attack us?"

aiä shakes her head

"no not at all, they don't seem to be able to do anything but fear us.."

" it is true sir, when I went back to talk to them about the night rules in the cave, they were talking and I believe it was the dad he said something about how they should be careful around us because they don't know what we are capable of doing."
eleyìng steps in and says

" the three of you will talk with them tomorrow morning."
yuzey states firmley to his sons and daughter

they nod their heads not wanting to upset their father

everyone begins to walk back to the cave

"Goodnight guys."
aiä says to her brothers as they have to sepárate ways

" night warrior!"

aiä laughs a little and begins to walk to her home in the main cave

her home is bigger than most of the homes

there are different rooms which is uncommon for the navı

one room is for the tsahik to do tasks

another room is for olekytan to have private like meetings

then her parents sleeping área

the final room is aiä's, which used to be shared by her and her brothers before they moved out

then of course the main room/entrance

aiä makes her way to where she sleeps

she sighs still feeling a bit off about the events that occured earlier that day

lying down in her hammock tired and drained

knowing that tomorrow, she'll have to go to the new family and do a whole process of introductions and rules

already groaning at the thought she decides to finally close her eyes and rest

how tall should loak be???

shorter than aiä or taller

or should i js change aiä's height to 7' smth instead of 8'2

that way loak is taller????

idkk I need help so when they finally are introduced properly in the next chapters

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