8 Paz

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What the hell was I thinking?

I got caught up in the moment and actually agreed to go on some insanely dangerous journey.... for a fucking ROCK. "I'm such a freaking idiot," I said to myself. "Why did I even do this?"

"We'll kill mother," Emerald's voice resonated repeatedly in dissonance within my head.

"That's right... they have mom," I answered to myself.

I couldn't believe that she would go as far as killing her own, no - our own mother, for this stupid stone. Right now, mother was in the custody of the Daemon Kingdom. What was it called again? Mors-monday? Mourn-mundie? Moron- I don't know! it started with a fucking "M" and it sounded really depressing!

I groaned aloud and made an exasperated gesture with my arms towards the heavens,

"You couldn't have given me a damn clue or anything!?" I screamed to the sky. I was almost sure that I heard Emerald laughing at my frustration.

Then I looked onto the ground and started to stomp like a fool.

"And what about you!? You could've told me where to start too!!!" I roared at the dirt. Right then I could feel Jessiy's ridicule at my seemingly delusional tirade.


"Okay, you know what!?" I yelled to no one, "I'm going for a fucking walk! No- I'm going to steal shit!"

I didn't know why, I didn't know where, and I didn't care if it was four in the god-damned morning! I was going to steal crap from one of the noble's homes just to make myself feel better.

Then I began to stomp straight into the kingdom of Gengia, muttering words that rhymed with "Sucking midgets" while I was at it.

As I walked down the cobble-stone path of the nobleman's side of Gengia I was oh so very tempted to just break into one of their houses and trash the whole place. I mean, who the hell needs a home this large and luxurious!? They had gates in front of their homes that were 15-20 feet tall; and if they didn't have gates, they had these stone-granite pillars near the entrance of their home, holding the whole entrance up! I swear, at least half of these "noble-people" were holding slaves in their damn cellars.

"Jeez, these houses are way to large for me to break into, there's probably a booby trap or something waiting for me when I break in the door," I paused.

"Maybe if I try to sneak into the window..." I pondered the thought, but in the end I just kept walking down the road. I didn't want to risk it. I was basically in the heart of the kingdom, the guards could be here in a matter of minutes if I got caught. So I started to head to the other side of the Gengia, to the outskirts of the kingdom. Maybe I'll have more luck there.

As I was walking through the edge of Gengia, I couldn't help but notice how nice the homes were. They seemed really peaceful. What was a bonus was the fact that they weren't as extravagant or luxurious as the ones in the "noble-people's" part of the kingdom - with the exception of the one monstrous home at the end of the road. But other than that, I wouldn't mind living in one of these homes.

Well, it sucks for the poor S.O.B that I'm going to rob from, I thought to myself.

I started to observe the homes around me, and spotted the perfect house. It was small, and had a large wooden door. It also only had one level, and one of the windows on the right side of the door was left open. I began to walk towards the open window...

Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap....

When I heard the tapping, I immediately ran into an alley on the side of the path.

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