Welcome to Cartoon World/Bonding through Stories

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Smack dab during the middle of the Maretime Bay Talent Show, the Mane 6 felt their cutie marks begin to glow, meaning that they were being summoned on another Unity Quest.

To where... they had no idea.

But honestly... they couldn't wait to find this put got themselves.

After gathering their supplies from the living room and the bedroom, our pony heroes went up to the Crystal Room and stood before the Unity Crystals, and thanks to the cutie mark magic, the crystals glowed brighter... and brighter... and brighter until...

...the ponies had disappeared to another world for their next exciting adventure.


When the portal opened up in the world where the Unity Crystals sent them, the ponies stepped out in an orderly fashion, brushing themselves off from the smooth arrival before looking around in awe at what they were seeing.

The whole world seemed to be part of a cartoon they would see on TV, or in a comic strip, because everything in that world seemed wild, unpredictable... and not to mention... fun!

Creatures of different varieties (including ponies, humans, animals, griffins, hippogriffs, kirins, superheroes) seemed to live in this brand-new world in harmony, and there didn't seem to be an ounce of trouble in sight.

Izzy was the first of the group to break the silence with an excited squeal. "We haven't even been in this new world for five minutes and I already wanna live here for the rest of our lives!"

"Uh... I don't know, Iz," Hitch frowned as he glanced around at the place. "This place seems a little too... looney for my taste."

"No, no... I-I don't think looney is the right word here," Zipp shook her head. "It's more... cartoon-y than anything else."

"Either way," Sunny interrupted, "we need to find our mission so we can help them and get ourselves back home when the mission is over."

"Um... excuse me."

The group of ponies turned at the voice, and to their surprise, they discovered it was three young ponies, a little bit older than the Pippsqueaks, looking at them with curiosity.

The first was a white unicorn filly with a blue mane and tail with pink highlights, green eyes and a cutie mark of three diamonds.
The second was a light lavender unicorn filly with golden eyes, a green mane and tail with white streaks in it and a cutie mark of a crescent moon with ballet slippers.
And the third was a pegasus colt with brown eyes, a bronze mane and tail, a blue coat with darker blue feathers on his wings and a cutie mark of a tornado.
And as it turns out, it was the white unicorn filly who spoke up to them to begin with. "I don't think we've ever seen you in Cartoon World before," she said. "Which comic strip are you guys from?"

"Comic strip?" Pipp blinked. "You mean the fun little drawings in the newspaper every week? Why...? Ohhhh... so this is where they get made! Fun!"

"Well, the thing is, we're not from a comic strip at all," Sunny told the young ponies. "Me and my friends here are actually from the realm of Equestria."

"Equestria?" the lavender filly asked in awe. "Our ancestors are from that place! But they had to leave it for some reason... something about an evil fire tyrant."

"Trust me," said Misty, "we know all about that. I'm Misty, by the way, and these are all my friends."

"I'm Lily Moontwirl," the lavender filly curtsied politely. "Beside me are two of my best friends-- Cobalt Skies and Diamond Heart."

"Nice to meet all of you," Zipp smiled. "So, where are you guys off to?"

"We're on our way to our friend Jasmine's house," Cobalt explained, "for our annual Fun Fest weekend sleepover."

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