Preparing for Fun Fest

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The Mane 6 were just starting to realize what their mission could have been since they arrived in Cartoon World.

Garfield was so sure that his usual comedy routine with Arlene was going to win Fun Fest this year, he wasn’t accepting any other ideas for a new act.

And he didn't see it right away, but Arlene was starting to feel like Garfield was taking for her granted, and the ponies felt really bad for her.

They had to do something to help change Garfield's mind-- especially before something drastic were to occur.


Soon, they arrived at the studio. Jeff the guard was seen practicing his talent, singing in the guard station where he thought no one could see him. “I can just see my name in lights!”

“Hey, Jeff!” Jon greeted with an amused smirk, and that’s when Jeff opened the gate to let them through. “Hey, Jon!”

“Nice singing, Mr. Jeff sir!” Izzy waved as they went by, and as soon as they were gone, Jeff started singing again. “Jeff, the entertainer of the year!”


Jon found a place to park right up front, and everyone got out of the car while the ponies could only stare at how huge this place was. “Pretty amazing, huh?” Jasmine smiled as she and Diamond walked beside of them. “We’ve been coming here to help our friends with their comic strip for as long as we can remember.”

“It’s just hard to believe that all cartoon comic strips get made right here… and end up in the real world,” Sunny said as they walked toward the building. “Will we get to meet other strip stars while we’re here?”

“Totally! Then, there’ll be people not in the scripts that help off to the side,” Arlene explained. “You’ll meet a few of them when we head to the cafeteria.”

“The cafeteria?” Hitch looked surprised. “We just had breakfast over half an hour ago!”

“You know Garfield,” Lily giggled as she trotted over with Nermal on her back. “He can never get enough to eat, and who can blame him? Come on!”


After a small tour of the studio, the large group entered the studio cafeteria, where they see every other cartoon character practicing for tomorrow night. “Whoa!” Zipp exclaimed in surprise. “This place is more crowded than royal guard tryouts when Pipp and I were fillies!”

“Good morning, Billy Bear!” John greeted a large brown bear nearby, and the brown bear laughed in response. “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.”

“Good morning, Randy Rabbit!” Jon then approached a rabbit next to Billy. “How are you today?”

“Fantastic and amazing! Watch this,” Randy said, making a puppet appear from the hat he was holding, and he began to throw his voice to make the puppet talk. “Hi, Jon. How are you doing?”

“Nice try, Randy,” Diamond giggled as she and Jon walked away. “We’ve seen that one before.”

“But nice idea, though,” Misty told him. “Just keep trying!”

As soon as they had walked away, Randy hummed to himself in thought. “I guess I'll have to work up another trick.”

That’s when, all of a sudden, the prop boy popped out from the hat. “What if we use a groundhog instead of a rabbit?”

Immediately, both Randy and the prop boy hummed in thought. “Hmm…”


Sunny was getting to know a lot of other comic strip characters when she suddenly spotted Jasmine sitting off on her own near one of the tables, deeply in thought.

G5 Adventures in Garfield's Fun FestWhere stories live. Discover now