Discussions at Breakfast/Heading to the Studio

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The rest of that night seemed to go smoothly for the Mane 6 after they fell asleep in the home of their new Cartoon World friends.

And honestly? They were really looking forward to Fun Fest in the next few days-- this felt like the perfect opportunity to really loosen up and have fun, since their previous Unity Quests were so serious.

The anticipation was also building to learn whether Garfield and his girlfriend Arlene were going to be the Fun Fest champions this year or not, since Garfield already started building a 29-year winning streak.

But, they had no idea of what adventures that the upcoming Fun Fest would bring for the entire group, not just Garfield... and it wouldn't be long until they found out.


It was early that morning when Jasmine Wildbloom woke up in the bedroom with her friends, realizing that she must have fallen asleep there during the story that Garfield was telling the night before.

Then, she realized that it was time for one of her favorite traditions with Garfield and Odie before Fun Fest started.

Every year, Garfield would read Odie and Jasmine the story of how humor first began, and it was one of her favorite stories of all time.

She had to get her old friends and her new friends out of bed so they could hear the story too. “Hey, everybody! We gotta wake up! Hurry! We’re gonna miss it!”

The Mane 6 woke up with a startle alongside Lily, Diamond and Cobalt, fearing they missed something. “What is it?! What’s wrong?” Zipp looked around. “Are we under attack?!”

Jasmine giggled a bit, realizing why Zipp would think that. “Sorry, Zipp, I just wanted you guys up for my favorite Fun Fest tradition! Garfield is reading me and Odie a story before we head to the studio for work and for Fun Fest practice-- you guys can’t miss it! Come on!”

And just like that, she had run off as fast as her hooves could take her. “Oh, yeah,” Diamond yawned, “I remember Jasmine telling me about this-- it’s a special tradition they’ve had ever since the first Fun Fest that she watched Garfield totally crush.”

“Well, I never say no to a good story,” Sunny shrugged, “so I say we go see what’s going on with this tradition Jasmine talked about.”


“Morning, Garfield! Morning, Odie!” Jasmine said as she hopped into the room with her friends right behind her. “Did you sleep good last night?”

“Eh, about as good as I usually do,” Garfield shrugged, scratching her behind the ear before he noticed the Mane 6 in the room too. “Hey there, guys. I hope the guest beds weren’t too uncomfortable.”

“No, they were perfect, actually,” Misty said with a smile. “Jasmine told us about the story you usually tell her before Fun Fest, and we wanted to hear it too, if you don’t mind.”

Odie barked and folded his paws together in sort of a begging manner, as if he was pleading to Garfield to let the ponies hear the story too. “Eh, sure. It’s just a story, but you guys can listen if you want,” Garfield shrugged. “Jasmine, you know where the book is?”

“Sure do! You know that we only break it out this time of year,” Jasmine said, trotting over to the nearby bookshelf, “so it’s left me plenty of time to memorize where you hide it.”

She levitated the book off the shelf and right into Garfield’s lap as he sat down on his cat bed, and Pipp managed to sneak a peek at the cover. “Ye Olde Funny Tale?” she read bluntly. “They sure got creative with their book titles.”

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