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Unknown number

Is this Roseanne's phone?

Roseanne looks at her screen with a puzzled look on her face. She hasn't given her phone number to anyone new and she hasn't been expecting any messages. She weighs the pros and cons of answering before finally deciding that there is no harm in sending an answer.


Yes. Who is this?

A moment later, Roseanne's phone buzzes again.

Unknown number

Thank god you still have the same number! This is Suzy. I really need to talk to you.

Roseanne runs a hand through her hair as she tries to make sense of the situation. She didn't think she and Suzy had anything more to talk about after their dinner the other night. She considers simply ignoring Suzy's plea; it would be the easiest thing to do. But she owes it to Suzy to talk to her after everything they went through. She types out her reply before she can lose her courage.


Meet me at our bench in 30 minutes.

Roseanne puts her phone down with a sigh. This meeting will be very different without Bogum and Lisa to back them up. It will only be the two of them, just like it used to be. And they will be sitting on their old bench, where they shared so many memories and stole so many kisses. Roseanne starts regretting choosing their old spot as a meeting place. She doesn't even know if the bench is still there; it has been years since she has been to the park where they used to meet. She purposely avoids going near there, afraid of the memories it might bring back.

Although it is not far, Roseanne leaves immediately, feeling the walls of her apartment close in on her. She can't sit still knowing what is coming. She hopes the fresh air will help her clear her mind.

Fifteen minutes later, Roseanne is sitting on the park bench, keeping the memories that rush back at arm's length. Everything about this place reminds her of Suzy and the good times they had together. She looks down at worn wood and spots the place where they engraved their initials on a summer evening. She runs her hand over the engraving, wishing she had something to remove any evidence that they were ever together, that they were ever happy.

Roseanne is watching the swings sway in the wind when she feels Suzy sit next to her. She doesn't turn towards her, and she makes no move to acknowledge her presence. She continues to observe the swings and the way the wind pushes and pulls them, filling the silent park with their creaking.

"I don't love him."

Roseanne continues to watch the swings for a moment before she turns towards Suzy. She finds her looking very different from when she last saw her a few days ago. Her cheeks look somehow hollower, her shoulders are slumped and her eyes are tired. Roseanne can't believe how badly she wants to take her in her arms and comfort her. She resists the urge and reminds herself of how much pain Suzy caused her when she left. Roseanne must have looked a lot worse after Suzy ended things with her.


Suzy doesn't have the strength to roll her eyes or make a witty comment like she used to.

"Bogum. I don't love him."

"I don't see what this has to do with me," Roseanne remarks coolly.

"I think you do,"

Roseanne turns her attention to the patch of flowers at her feet as she tries to understand what she is feeling. Coming back to this place has brought back memories and feelings that she hasn't had for years. It brings her back to the time when she and Suzy thought they would spend the rest of their lives together. But circumstances are very different now, and Roseanne has to remind herself to keep the past where it belongs.

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