It takes Roseanne several days to plan their second date. It's not that it's particularly elaborate; she just wants everything to be perfect. After the fifth panicked phone call from Roseanne, Jisoo essentially tells her to figure things out herself like a big girl, although there may have been a few curse words thrown in there as well (it is 3AM after all).

Roseanne decides to play it safe, and makes a reservation for a nice restaurant. She knows it's not creative, and will probably fall flat compared to the perfect first date that Lisa had organized, but she chooses her sanity over originality. She reads the reviews of an embarrassingly large number of restaurant before finally making her choice. She's a bundle of nerves when she calls to reserve, getting the date and time of the reservation wrong 3 times before she clears things up. She calls back the next day, just to make sure she's written down the correct information.

Roseanne makes sure to leave nothing to chance. She picks out her outfit 3 days in advance, and even has a look at the menu on the restaurant's website to decide what she will be ordering. Having control over the situation reassures her, and so, all things considered, Roseanne is feeling fairly calm the day of the date. She comes home from the gym and checks her mail as she always does. She grabs the pile of envelopes (have these people never heard of e-mail? she asks herself irritably) and drops them on her desk with a huff. She puts everything in its' place and checks her phone, since she never brings it with her to the gym. The screen lights up and Roseanne notices that she received a message while she was away. Her stomach flutters, her first thought being of Lisa, but sinks when she reads the name on her screen.


You'll be getting a card from me in the mail. Please throw it out without reading it. (Bogum added you to the list without consulting me, my apologies.)

Roseanne frowns and spreads out her mail and quickly spots a small blue envelope with her name on it. She flips it over and sees Suzy's name on the back, written in pretty cursive. Roseanne worries her lower lip as she hesitates over her next move. Suzy had specifically asked her not to read it, and she should probably respect that. But the envelope is addressed to her, and she can feel her curiosity getting the better of her.

In a split-second decision, Roseanne rips open the envelope and unfolds the card inside. She stares at the card blankly for a moment, not registering what she is reading. When her brain finally catches up, the only sounds that can be heard in her apartment are her gasp and the sound of the card clattering to the floor.


Lisa is feeling confident about tonight's date. Roseanne had told her to expect a simple dinner at a nice restaurant (and had apologized profusely for her lack of imagination), and Lisa knows she can handle this. It helps that she has her own personal cheerleaders in the form of Jennie and Somi, who haven't stopped showering her with compliments and pep-talks.

Roseanne is the most punctual person she knows, so she makes sure she is ready five minutes before 7 o'clock, the time when Roseanne is supposed to pick her up. She can imagine Roseanne sitting in her car, tapping her fingers impatiently against the steering wheel as she waits for it to be socially acceptable for her to knock on Lisa's door. The thought makes Lisa smile as she makes her way into the living room.

"Aww Lisa, you're so smitten!" Somi teases, noticing Lisa's soft smile. "Have you rented the U-Haul yet? When's the wedding?"

Lisa giggles and swats her friend away.

"Come on Somi, enough with the stereotypes!" she whines, playing along.

"Ok well have you at least told her you're in love with her yet?"

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