The Plan

17 1 0

(TW: Violence, Death?)

POV: La Folie

"Kroos, forced on in and it's CARVAJAL! DANNY CARVAJAL! THE SMALLEST MAN IN THE PENALTY AREA HAS HEADED REAL MADRID INTO THE LEAD." The announcer shouted on the TV in this dingy sports bar.

"Would you like another one?" The bartender asked me, to which I waved it off, and got up to exit.

"Thanks for your patronage!" The waiter said, as I left, getting out of sight, and swapping to the ICEP building, or more specifically, behind it.

POV: Julian

"D'accord, donc le plan est que nous entrions par la fenêtre-QUOI!" I get cut off by someone appearing in front of me.

"Bonjour. Salut. Euh-Vous êtes du Vermont, non?" He asks, to which Vermont nods.

"D'accord. Cela peut paraître absurde, mais je vous ai sauvé la vie à plusieurs reprises, maintenant je cherche à sauver les Québécois." He says.

"Et toi? Je n'ai pas encore entendu parler de toi, ton nom?" He asks me.

"Julian. Julian Mercier." I tell him, still confused.

"OK, Julian, Vermont. Je suis La Folie." He introduces himself finally, but the name?

"La Folie? Vous utilisez un alias, non?" I ask him.

"Oui, je ne pense pas que l'un de vous aimerait savoir qui (ou quoi) je suis." He says, what?

"Quoi qu'il en soit, si vous pouvez vous téléporter, ne pouvez-vous pas nous téléporter au Québec?" Vermont asks him, which he says yes to.

""Très bien, attendez quelques secondes?" He says, so I grab onto his shoulder, Vermont holds onto his other shoulder, and then, in an instant, we get teleported to a...van?

POV: Vermont

The instant we get teleported to the van, I see a dock, on it, two people, one, sitting down at the edge with his hands and feet bound. The other, holding him at gunpoint.

"I'll ask you one more time, where. are. they." The second one says, muffled by the van itself.

"You aren't going to get an answer, you might as wll just kill me now." the first one, evidently Quebec, says.

"Okay. Final words?" He says.

"Vive la Resistance. Et au Vermont, je suis désolé. Au revoir." He say, and once he finishes, the second man shootss him through the stomach, causing him to fall.

"QUEBEC NO!" I shout at the top of my lungs as he falls into the water below.


-N Tonight!

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