The Void

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POV: New Hampshire

"Wait, so you're saying you died." Medford says (we exchanged names before this point)

"Yes" I answer.

"And I am currently here?"

"Again, yes."

"So does that mean I'M dead?"

"I don't know, you may have died, you also may have not died either."

We were conversing, two figures in the void waiting for something to happen.

Then, something did happen.

A white room appeared, no windows, only a door.


"What is that?!"

"Should we go inside?"

I think it over for a second, and then nod. We then slowly approach the door, throwing it open to see that it's a...waiting room? Not only a waiting room, a pretty packed waiting room.

"Oh hey, 2 more came around." One of the people sitting says.

"Soo what is this place?" Medford asks the guy.

"Well friend, you're in purgatory!"

So that's where we are?!

"So I AM dead?"

"...I guess so."

Medford zones out for a few minutes until finally accepting the fact that he is dead.

"Soooo how did you end up here?"

"Air Canada Flight 872."

"What happened to it?"

"Oh, you've just gotten here? Well, since we've nothing better to do, I'll tell you about it...

We both sit down at two of the open seats.

"Firstly, I'm Joanna Woods, if you're wondering why I have a female name, we get, well, genderswapped when we enter purgatory. Anyways, I'm flying to Paris from Toronto, when suddenly a BOMB goes off, luckily we were at a low altitude so the pilot managed to emergency land the plane, only problem is that the wing cut through airplane fuel apparently, and the whole plane went up in flames, probably killing everybody. Did you know that a countryhuman was on that plane?"

"Wait a second...was that countryhuman Vermont by chance?" I asked.


"Sooooo, it might seem crazy what I am about to say, but...I am New Hampshire."

"Wait, so you're telling me you were friends with someone I knew!?"

"You knew Vermont?"

"Yeah, met him at a cafe, he paid for my coffee."

"That was nice of him."

"Sooooo anyways, did he die?"


"And who's he?" Joanna said, pointing at Medford

"Apparently, he's Medford, from, like, an alternate reality."

"In his perspective."

"Say, would you like some coffee?"


"Coffee Machine's in the back right corner."

Me and Medford go to the coffee machine, and, well, get coffee. Personally, I got a decaf latte, and Med got a Vanilla Cappuccino. We then sit back down at our chairs.

"Why aren't a ton more people here?"

"They moved on to another life."

"Uhhhhhh what?" Medford said

"Yeah, apparently, reincarnation happens after we die, and then we get reborn with a factory reset."

"So why do you think you're still here?"

"Well, the more filled capacity, the more time it takes. For example, the average person takes a couple of day to be reborn, I however, have been here for over TEN MONTHS!"

Damn, that must suck.

"What have you been doing while here?"

"Well this empty book and pen just appeared about one month in, so I've been writing a novel, other than that, coffee."

"Oooooh! What's it about?" Medford asks, intrigued.

"Murder Mystery novel aboard a plane, so far, no one but me has read it."

"Can I?"

"Sure, who knows, maybe your one of the one in a million that can remember this god forsaken experience."

Joanna then hands Medford her book, titled 'AC19', and Medford opened the book up, and began reading.

POV: Medford

"Soo how did you come up with this idea?"

"I was a lawyer."

"Oh. So wait were you prosecuting someone who was accused of doing that?"

"Defending actually, that is why I was going to Paris."

"Say, I have to...use the bathroom, where is it?" New Hampshire asks.

"Step outside, do your business, and hope the waiting room doesn't disappear."


"Yeah, it usually happens every three hours, if I remember correctly, it's been about one and a half hours."

"Okay then?"

"So, what are you waiting for? Go!"

New Hampshire then proceeds to run out of the door.

"Sooooooooo, what else is here besides the coffee machine?" I ask her.

"Nothing much, every once in a while something random appears."

"Why aren't there so many others here?"

"That I do not know, maybe there's billions of these, maybe we're just special in a way."

That's interesting.

POV: Maine

"¡Hola! Soy Chiapas, no estoy disponible en este momento, ¡así que no dudes en enviar un mensaje!" Chiapas' 'I can't answer the phone' message played.

"Hey boss, this is Maine, I'm going to have to take a day or two off, bye." I said, waiting for the taxi. Soon after, the taxi arrives, and I get in.

"¿A dónde vas?" The taxi driver asks.

"La Aeropuerto." I say, and the guy starts driving. The taxi ride is mostly silent.

"Entonces, ¿a dónde vas a volar?" He asks.

"Lo siento, no hablo español." I say.

After a few more minutes of pure science, the taxi arrives at the airport, I hand him a couple hundred pesos, and I get out. The hot air assaulting my face.





SALIDA: 15:00 PM




I enter the airport, and go up to the only kiosk in use.

"¡Bienvenido! ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte hoy?" She asks. I then start speaking into my phone, translating it to Spanish.

"¡Hola! Viajo a la Ciudad de México, tengo mi boleto aquí, ¿es todo lo que necesito?" It translates. "Necesitas una tarjeta de identificación, ¿tienes una?" She said, and after seeing the translation, I fish out my fake ID card Chiapas supplied me with. "Muy bien, señor, el avión saldrá en 30 minutos." She says, and I leave, she didn't shout at me, so I presumed I was all clear. After the Mexican TSA, I went to the rather empty waiting area, and started scrolling social media. As I expected, 2 of the trending pages on Twitter were 'Burlington' and 'Tornado'. After scrolling through for a while, I hear an announcement.

"Todos los que vayan a la Ciudad de México, por favor acérquense a la recepción."

All 17 of us stand up, and queue in the line, after I get there, I go through all the motions, and get to the tarmac. Shortly after, the staircase lowers, and we all enter the plane. After getting to my seat, I doze off.

I wake up as the plane is approaching the airport. It was a short while until we landed, but eventually, we landed. Everyone on the plane gets off, and I was looking for the gate until-

"TELIE FOUND!" Someone shouts behind me, and when I look back, two men in suits are running at me, one with some sort of device, and the other, a gun.

(Why do I keep ending on cliffhangers?)


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