Chapter 19

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POV Louis.

Brook had spent most of her previous day with Morticia.

That woman is crazy and the fact that she had also pointed a gun at Liam only confirmed my thesis. But fortunately she hadn't moved from that room.

I don't know how much her presence made me feel at ease. I feared that one of these days she would seriously lose control and kill one of us in a fit of rage.

Plus there was the "Simon problem" to deal with. He's coming to our house for dinner tonight and I don't like that at all. He wasn't a kind man, he didn't even have a heart. He always threw us into hell and I didn't like the decision Paul made without talking to all of us first.

We had told him several times that we didn't want him to know about all this, but he had literally ignored us and done what he wanted. I hated this side of him, because sometimes he was like Simon. He didn't listen to us, he didn't care about our opinion.

Simon had destroyed our lives. We had started that journey as pop stars with the best hopes and expectations. We believed that we would travel the world, make many people happy and lead an even better life than our previous one.

But instead our life was a nightmare. We produced album after album, even when it wasn't the right time for us. We were on tour for years and only had two weeks of rest. Our days were filled with photoshoots, interviews, performances and meet and greets. We slept maybe 3 hours a night and we were devastated.

How could Paul think that crazy man wanted our best? He wanted nothing more than to squeeze us like fucking lemons and collect every single penny we worked with our sweat and blood.

In the meantime I prepared breakfast for Brook. During the night I woke up several times and went to her room to check that she was okay. I didn't want to leave her alone, but she insisted that I go to my room.

"Go to your room Tomlinson or I swear I'll put the same hole in your stomach that I have".

These were the words she told me to make me go away.
I chuckle at that memory.

I take the tray filled with pancakes, chocolate muffins, strawberries and a large glass of orange juice. She needs vitamins and energy to recover as quickly as possible.

I am firmly convinced and determined to take care of her. I want her to understand that I'm serious and that for me our kiss wasn't a simple accident during a mission.

I go up the stairs, being careful not to drop anything.
I pass Liam's door, then Morticia's. Her door was the only one that had a different color. It was painted black and purple and made it even more scary.

I slowly open Brook's bedroom door. I look at her while she is turned on her side, she is still sleeping.

She looks like the Sleeping Beauty.

What should I do? Wake her up? Could she hit them and kill me? Oh goodness...

I place the tray on the nightstand next to her bed, then grab one of the pillows that have fallen on the floor and move closer to her.
I slowly pat my hand on her arm.

"Brook... Brook, wake up"

No reply. She must have still been groggy from the meds.

"Brook... I made you breakfast" I shake her slightly.

Why doesn't she react? I'm starting to worry. What if something happened to her without me knowing? I'm starting to get scared. I'm dying of fear.

I take a deep breath trying to stay calm.

𝐿𝐸𝑇𝐻𝐴𝐿 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶 - 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now