My home is your home.

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Salish's POV:

It was around 6 o'clock. I hated today, why? It's Monday. I just got out of an after school conversation, stupidest thing I've ever attended.

I went upstairs after eating dinner and got in running clothes, it was just a black lulu long sleeve, given it was December and a pair of grey sweatpants. After I put my hair into two braids and put on my running shoes and ran.

My run was peaceful and quiet as I ran down the streets of Cali, passing a couple local shops, and people gave me a smile.

After about an hour or so I decided I'd head back. My run back was just as delightful and peaceful. As I arrived to the house it was quiet and empty. Ever since huds went off to college it hasn't been the same. I slipped my shoes off and went to my room to get a shower.

After an amazing shower I put on some normal Nike socks, pj pants and a white crop top. That's when my phone ringed.


My eyes opened as I answered his call, FaceTime, did I look good? Did I have a double chin? Is my acne to bad- breath Say...

I gave a bright smile before answering, "wassup Nidal?" , my voice was gentle.

"I've been needing to tell you this...", his voice was gruff and serious. shit.

"Of course! What's up?"' I could her the slight crack.

"Addison broke up with m-me...", god Salish your so fucking stupid. It's not always about you.

"Oh, I'm so sorry that happened, wanna talk about it....?", I said trying to not give off a shaky voice trying to comfort my everything, my whole world, and most importantly, my home.

"No not really say... it's just- this one kinda got to me, yknow...?", No, no I don't.

"Yea of course Nidal, you'll get over it! You always do!", I said giving a warming smile.

"Thanks.... I needed that say...",  he said as his usuals smile reappeared. Then we talked for 20 minutes before he hung up.

I sighed, laying my phone down as I felt tears well up. Why can't I just be normal? Why can't I just be happy? I always bring him down for no reason. It's be better if I was just dead.

I felt my eyes drift shut slightly before yawning and closing my misty green eyes. Shuting out the world with sleep for a little while...

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