Fuck insomnia.

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(Ok so ngl I kinda forgot my writing style +plus this book- but! I'm back and have a few things to say, 1. Thanks for the reads🫶 2. I'll be updating(trying) to update once a week! No more juju and Ella getting married....Ok let's go!) warning: self harm mention, swears!!

Salish's POV:

My eyes opened, my mouth had a tingly taste and it tasted like sweat, my hair was everywhere and I was sweating like hell. I sat up and grabbed my phone to check the time. 1:30AM?!? No way.

*I groan and step out of my bed a little to quickly, a dizzy fuzzy feeling laces through my head and an immediately sit back down. I stand slowly and walk to the bathroom silently to not wake anyone, even tho huds is at collage my parents are still right down the hall.

I look in the mirror- and holy shit. My hair looks like a rats nest, my teeth feel grimy, my lips look like ripped up paper. Ew. I grab my native facial cleanser and turn the water luke warm, while the waters warming up I brush my hair quickly and pull it into a ponytail.

I grab a face towel and set it next to me, I splash some water on my face before doing two squirts of my face wash. I scrub for 15-30 seconds before rinsing it off and patting my face down. I look at my face. God I disgust myself.

I scratch the healed scars, 4 weeks. I haven't cut, that doesn't mean I haven't had such bad urges that I rip out my hair and sob myself to sleep. I brush my teeth for a minute before wiping my mouth and grabbing my OCD and insomnia pills.

I down them with my water before shutting my bathroom light off and grabbing my phone. I check my snap and see Nidal sent my something, a snap. It was a picture sent 3 hours ago, it was him with no shirt and grey sweatpants, he was making a stupid face. I smiled to myself before sending a wall snap back knowing he wouldn't open it till morning.

I lay on my bed and glance to my to my locked journal. I know what's in there. I slowly shakily grab the journal and the key and open it, to a small folder that holds half a dozen blades.

My fingers grace over the sharp metal, I close my eyes and quickly shove the blade back in my folder area and lock the journal. I run my hands through my hair and try to close my eyes, knowing that half the time I can't sleep even with out a nap.

I groan and grab some pajama shorts, I take my black shorts off and slip the pajama pants on and slip on a black sports bra, I lay in my bed and scroll through instagram. My eyes start to rest and I set my phone down, maybe my insomnia ass is being nice to myself...

(YAAAA BOY CHAPTER 2! Okay so quick little thingy and life shiz. Oh my god I watched Percy Jackson and HELLO?!? Like yall are SLEEPING on Charlie(Luke) like he's so cute and- AHHH!!! Anywho- Percy has like severe daddy issues and has never had any good males in his life and Luke was the first so it must've broke him when he was betrayed by Luke😭😭😭okay I have a lot of motivation so yall might get a third chapter👏🙄👀)

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